The lack of shortcuts on the desktop when the computer is turned on, delivers a lot of inconvenience to PC users, and especially beginners. Consider how to restore the desktop in Windows 7.
Use the easiest way, provided that the taskbar does not disappear from the third - restore the icons, icons and folders directly from the desktop. Do you right with the right mouse and in the window that opens, activate the "View" item → "Display desktop icons". If not all shortcuts installed by the programs returned to the desktop, then restore them through the "Start" → "All Programs". Find the desired application in the list, for example, Skype. Highlight the file with the icon and click on it with the right mouse. Next, in the window that opens, select "Send" → "Desktop".Important! Any changes on the desktop without user participation may indicate an insecurity of a PC from malicious programs. Take care of the timely installation of antivirus, and how to download Antivirus for free - read here.