How to print a receipt

How to print a receipt

You can print any image or information that is displayed on the screen of your computer. To do this is easy and simple, since all the PCs having the Windows operating system are trained.

If you make a payment online, for example, in Sberbank, and want to print a receipt about payment, then:

  • go to the Sberbank page on the page;
  • on the right is the ‹Personal menu› is displayed, press it;
  • the computer issues a list of perfect operations online, look for you need and go by clicking on this operation;
  • scroll the page to the very bottom until you see the ‹‹ ››;
  • click on ‹Print›, and your receipt is ready.


But not all online services specializing in remote services have such printing commands. If you need a confirmation of payment in the form of a receipt, you can simply take a picture of the screen image - a screenshot, and then print the image on the printer. These actions will not require any additional programs if you have a Windows operating system. It doesn't matter which series. So, to print a receipt on a computer, it follows:

  • take a picture of the image on the computer screen by pressing the PRN SCRN (Print Screen) button on the keyboard of the computer;
  • save it, for example, on the disk D (the dialog box itself will appear on your screen after pressing the Print Screen key, if your PC is installed for creating screenshots).

If there is no such program, then when pressing the Print Screen key, the image will remain in the computer exchange buffer, and you can see it by performing the following actions:

  • With the subsequent choice of teams, extensions appear: Start ›All programs› Standard ›Paint;
  • Double pressing the right mouse button, open the Paint program.

On the top panel of the tasks, select the edit option ›insert a media file. We use this command if the button is inactive, as shown in the figure. If it is active, then click it, and your screenshot of the receipt is automatically copied from the computer exchange buffer to the Paint program, after which you can perform subsequent points after the appearance of the image.

After performing the previous item, an insert from the file will appear, on the left, select the storage folder where the screenshot made earlier has been preserved. For example, my computer ›disk d, looking for your screen on the disk D, execute the command to open. The screenshot of the receipt will open in the Paint program.

Now you can print this image. We look at the taskbar in the open Paint window, we see the file menu button, click on it with the right mouse button once. It will seem like such a menu as in the photo. We carry out the print.

The computer offers to format the printed document. You can put your settings if necessary. It looks like this: ‹A href\u003d""k

After clicking on, the computer will give you another window. In the figure you see an empty field on the right - there should be an image of your receipt. We send a picture to print approx. Note: Before the start of printing, the PC should be associated with the printer, that is, it displays the connection to the printing device. To do this, install the printer drivers that usually come with it.

Now you already know how to print a receipt or other important document using a minimum of programs and commands on a computer.

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