How to make screen screen screen screen

How to make screen screen screen screen

Make a screen shot or screenshot, as it is correctly called advanced users - this is a fairly simple moment in mastering work on the PC. There are several ways to help extract the picture from the computer screen. Consider several simple options, the execution of which and beginners are under power. We use the tools of the Windows system itself.

Did you decide on the information on the monitor screen and want to save it, turning into a separate file with a picture? Screenshots are often required in technical support for social networks to restore a blocked page.

If you are a Windows 7 user, then use the scissors tool for the screen image. It's easier and can not be! It is possible to cut the desired type of screen image in seconds and also quickly save the picture on the PC.

Carefully look at the PC keyboard, visually dividing it into two parts. Find the PRINT SCREEN key (PRTSCR). It is located on top of the right. When it is pressed, the screen screens will be saved in the computer's memory (clipboard). Open the Paint graphics editor that is in the standard programs of your system, and type Ctrl + V combination.

The desired snapshot will fall into Paint, and there you can already be melted with trimming to the desired size, or just "save as". Save the picture always in JPEG, because this is the most readable image format.

Also, many different programs for creating screen snapshots can be found on the search on the Internet, but this option is absolutely not suitable for novice users. Do not complicate yourself tasks. Take advantage of our prompts.

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