How to reduce laptop screen

How to reduce laptop screen

Depending on the model, the laptop monitor has its own individual display size, which is calculated in inches, and the physical decrease in the screen is simply impossible, but change the monitor parameters and thereby reduce or increase the screen resolution is easily.

You played an exciting computer game on your portable device, and when leaving the game application, found that the picture of your desktop, along with the icons and all the rest turned into something very big and terrible.

Go to "Control Panel" through the Start button and try changing the settings of the screen resolution in the parameters "Design and Personalization".

Either make a right-mouse click on any place on the desktop and select the "Screen Resolution" item from the list that opens.

Reducing the laptop screen when viewing Windows Explorer, Favorite Internet Page, as well as working in some text and graphics editors, carry out a simple combination of keyboard keys - this is pressing and holding the "Ctrl" plus the scrolling of the mouse wheel up and down. Experiment - it is quite interesting to observe how the size of the picture is changing on the screen there.

Reduce the monitor via video card software is also an option, but there is no point in spending time looking for the necessary drivers or search for a running program file when the system has the desired embedded wizards for working with the laptop screen.

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