How to increase the brightness on the laptop

How to increase the brightness on the laptop

The ability to manipulate color saturation on the laptop screen brings fruit. You not only keep your eyesight and take care of health, but at the same time provide maximum convenience and productivity of the workflow. Reducing the brightness of contrast contributes to the minimum power consumption and resources of your device.

Windows operating system is equipped with all possible features for the convenience of work, but we do not always know how to use them. One of the most simple and rapid ways to increase or reduce the brightness of the screen is to use the functional on the taskbar.

To start the required function, move the cursor on the battery display icon on the taskbar and set the right mouse button, select from the Context menu "Windows Mobility". You will have a winding window, where the first item left to the right will be the "screen brightness". By moving the slider, you set up the most pleasant contrasts for your vision.


Quickly, most likely instantly, it is possible to increase the brightness without using the mouse directly on the laptop keyboard. In each model, these keys may differ slightly, but the principle is the same. Lay down the "Fn" and up-down or left or left. On the versatile arrows, the sun should be depicted with the guide pointer. If you click the "FN" combination + screen brightness arrow, you will get the desired result.

You can independently create and configure the power plan to operate on the parameters you specify. The laptop itself will muffle or resume the brightness of the screen at a specified period of time. To create a laptop backlight graphic, separately to work from the network and the battery, we do it as follows.

  1. In the "Start" menu, select the "Control Panel";
  2. Next, go to the "System and Security" item;
  3. Select the section "Power supply";
  4. After clicking "Configuring Display Disable", you will open the panel where you can specify the desired parameters and save them.

If you can not find the required option, and the image is dim and inappropriate, you may need to update the operating system, install the drivers.

By installing the level of brightness from the battery and from the network, you need to understand that the saved parameters are valid only for the current power supply plan. In order for your settings to remain in force and no longer created discomfort, you need to configure all three standard plans that are provided by default in each laptop.

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