How to create a new database 1c

How to create a new database 1c

Performing work in the program 1C, in some users, even with solid experience, there is a problem with creating a new base. Below will be instructions on the example version 7.7, with which it is possible to create a fully working base in 1C. It is strongly recommended to create a backup of the data (existing bases) in order to avoid unforeseen cases.

Start the 1C program, the startup window will open. In the column "in mode", in the selection menu, set the item "Configurator". In the right part of the window, click on the Add button.

After pressing the button, a new window opens with the name "Registration of an information base". The window will look at the view shown in the screenshot below.

Click on the "..." button, located to the right of the column "The Way." Of course, you can specify any other database name, for a user.

Next, you should decide the future with a directory information base. After pressing the "Select" future IS will be saved in the specified directory. You can create a new folder or modify the directory by pressing the button.

Then choose to create a database in the startup screen, and click "OK". A new window opens with a warning about choosing the right storage format. Make sure that the bottom of the column exposed to the parameter "+ Current system setting" and press "OK".

After performing the above steps in front of you will open yourself "Configurator" 1C. The window of this mode will look like the screenshot shown below.

In the top menu bar looking for the item "configurator". After pressing the submenu fall where we will need to select "Open Configuration".

A window appears with the full content of all the objects that make up the configuration. Of course, at the moment it is empty and does not carry any information.

In the next step, we are looking for the "Save" button in the top menu panel. Press it and save your empty base.

When saving, a window will appear regarding the storage of metadata. Agree with the warning window, otherwise the base will not be saved.

Next will be displayed another warning that there is no data dictionary. We agree again by clicking the "Yes" button.

The Reorganization of Information window appears, which will contain some information about the change in the information structure. Confirm by pressing the "Accept" button.

This is completed on this process. A window will appear in front of the user informing about the final stage.

The new base is considered created. But it is absolutely empty and has no data, even standard reference books and documents. If you already have an existing base, you can download its configuration to a new base. To begin with, close the configuration window in the base we created.

We go to the top menu panel, press the "configuration", and select the "Download Changed Configuration" in the dropping menu.

In the opened window, we are looking for the base we need from which the configuration should be taken. The configuration file in this version has the name (be sure to create a copy of the entire base with which the configuration will be copied!). After finding the file, choose it by clicking the "Accept" button.

A warning will be displayed that informs about the possible destruction of the base configuration. Confirm the action by clicking on the "Yes" button.

Again, on the top of the menu bar, click "Save". The Reorganization Data window appears in acknowledgment actions.

In this case, it will have a different structure that fully coincides with the initial base configuration. After checking the entire structure, click "Accept".

Ultimately, the program will issue a confirmation of the completion of the reorganization of information. Click "OK". As a result, the program has a new base with the configuration of the old.

At this stage, the creation of a new base in 1C can be considered completed. If necessary, you can not load the configuration of the old base. The instruction for copying the configuration of the old database is shown in case of its need to the user.

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