How to install 1c enterprise

How to install 1c enterprise

In the language of 1c, many programs for accounting, calculations and information reports are written for various fields of activity. Before installing the specific database of the database, you need to put the 1C enterprise platform on the computer.

Installation is possible in several ways:

  • from the installation disk coming in the kit when purchasing a software product 1c;
  • from the ITS disk, if you issued a subscription;
  • with technical support sitesAlso, if there is a subscription.

To access the 1C technical support website, you must register your software product, or if you are 1C partner, enter a partner code and password. The site contains the latest updates, so this method is recommended especially those who deal with regulated reporting forms that must be relevant at the time of delivery. After successful registration, you will be available to updates corresponding to your subscription (solely on the software products that you purchased and registered). To install 1C, select "Technological Platform 8.2", then from the list of the list, click on the latest version. Click on the link "Technological platform 1C: Enterprises for Windows", Download the archive. Open the folder into which the 1C distribution archive was downloaded and unpack this file, for example, using the archiver WinRar.

Next, the instruction is suitable for any of the three ways to install. In the 1c Distribution folder, locate the installation file sET.up with 1C icon and run it. The installation wizard will propose to choose components for installation, language. If you want to locally install the program to your computer, leave the standard settings. It is better not to change the path to the 1C folder, because when installing updates, they will accumulate and the program will automatically be able to select the desired configuration release. The system may require to complete the administrator rights setting, confirm the resolution.

When the 1C program is installed, automatically departs a proposal for installing the protection driver. Be sure to install it. Now you need the USB key that comes in the kit. Connect it to the computer.

Check how the installed program works, for this through "Start" open "All Programs", then select 1C: Enterprise 8.2 and click on the 1c label or just on the desktop click twice this shortcut. The launch window will open with the message "Base List is empty, add a database?", Refuse and close the dialog box.

Now you can similarly set your configuration, for example, 1C: Accounting. Note, only a database template will be added after installation, i.e. When you start 1C, the Base list will still be empty. To add a database, press the right "Add" button and select the desired template, then several times in the proposed windows click "Next", and upon completion of the "Finish" installation. The list of the Bases will be replenished. Highlight a new database and click on the right button "1C: Enterprise". The database will open until empty, but ready to work.

In order to set 1C: Enterprise locally, special complex skills and skills are not required, but if you are going to organize a client-server system to work in 1C, it is better to refer to the 1C specialists.

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