How to make Yandex browser by default

How to make Yandex browser by default

Choose the most comfortable and convenient browser sometimes is quite a difficult task. Almost all browsers are approximately the same for an inexperienced computer user, but with obtaining all new knowledge about programs, browsers and their work, you begin to understand what is acceptable for you more conveniently. If your choice fell on a relatively new browser from Yandex, then, first of all, you need to put the default browser and configure. Then all links will be opened in it, and not some other browser on your computer. About how to do it, you will learn in this article.

Go to your Yandex.Browser and find the settings icon. It looks like three wide horizontal strips in the upper right corner of the window. Click on the icon.

There will be a small drop-down list. In it, you can set up absolutely all the functions of your new browser and open the incognito tabs, as well as watch the story and create bookmarks.

Here you need to find the item "Settings" and click on it.

The list of settings in Yandex.Browser is large enough, so, leaf it almost to the end until you see the default browser string. A large button "By default use Yandex.Bauzer" will be located near her.

Click it and wait a few seconds until the browser configures compatibility and the association of all links to it.

If everything went successfully, then the phrase will appear on the site "Now by default, Yandex" is used.

Now you can open any links from messages right in this browser - it will automatically start himself.
The selection of this browser gives you a number of features that are not in others, for example, a zen news tape that is fully adjusted to you and your queries in the search bar. You can read news in an empty tab at any time, and most importantly, vote for "for" or "against" such news by improving it once.

Do not forget to configure the remaining Options of Yandex.Bauser. If you do not know how to do it, refer to the article How to configure Yandex browser. In it, you will learn more about how to synchronize passwords and bookmarks with your former browser, as well as create your own account in the system.

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