How to keep bookmarks in mozile

How to keep bookmarks in mozile

In the Firefox browser there are two types of bookmarks: Bookmark menu and bookmarks panel. It is also possible to configure the folder "Other Bookmarks", thereby adding convenience to your sorting saved sites. Learn to add bookmarks for each type, and then easily find them.

How to add a bookmark to the bookmarks panel in Mozile

The bookmarks panel is one of the most convenient tools in the browser, your bookmarks can be transferred, sorted to folders, change the names:

  • go to the site you want to save
  • right click,
  • choose a small transparent asterisk in the right corner,

  • click on it,
  • in the window that appears, you can specify the name of the tab. Do it if required
  • now on the second line, select a small triangle,

  • in the list that appears, click on the bookmarks panel,

  • automatically, the bookmarks panel will appear on top with all sites saved on it. Click on the "Finish" button,

  • when the places on your panel will not be enough, the bookmarks will still be saved, but hide under the footnote. To see them even there, click on two small arrowers in the corner of the bookmarks panel, as shown in the screenshot below,

  • when the bookmarks panel are needed to be hidden at all, hover over it with the cursor and right-click anywhere except bookmark icons. Then remove the checkboxes opposite the words "Bookmarks panel". Despite all the convenience of this panel, many browser users from Mozil can more like the option with the option "Bookmark menu". Learn this method, and then select the best.

How to add bookmarks in the Mozilla bookmarks menu

  • Repeat the first point of the previous step by clicking the right mouse button on the desired site.
  • Choose an empty stars.

  • Now in the window that appears, you need to select the "Bookmark menu", as well as give the name to your bookmark.
  • Click the "Finish" button.

  • You can view this group bookmarks by opening the sidebar of the browser: select the list icon next to the blue star in the browser header, in the list that appears, click on the phrase "show the side panel of bookmarks".

  • On the left you will see a small panel on which you want to select "Menu Bookmarks". Here you will see all the bookmarks that added in this step.

After choosing the best option for yourself, you can systematize the storage of tabs and sites, which will speed up work with the browser.

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