How to pay Yandex-Direct

How to pay Yandex-Direct

To pay advertising on Yandex Direct, the system provides for several ways to replenish the account. This can be done in cash or electronic money, as well as on non-cash payment. The minimum amount of replenishment is 10 cu. or 300 rubles. We will tell you how to pay Yandex directs each of the possible ways.

One of the instantaneous ways to pay Yandex Direct - through Yandex.Money. For what in the service interface are looking for the section "Goods and services", in it - "Advertising" and further - "Yandex Services". Choosing this method, keep in mind that if you have not yet passed authorization on this service, then you cannot replenish the bill than 15,000 rubles. Also note that the payer's account in this case should coincide with the Campaign Organizer account for Yandex Direct.

You can also quickly replenish the account of Yandex Direct through the WebMoney R-wallet. To do this, in the Direct Interface, you need to choose the appropriate method of payment and get the bill. It will already be necessary to pay through a Web Wallet, filling out the necessary form.

Another way to pay a direct payment (for 15 minutes) through a bank card. For this purpose, you can use any plastic cards, with the exception of Visaelectron and CirrusmaStro. Such a payment is performed in real time in the amount of not more than 50,000 rubles. You will need to pass the usual verification procedure, fill in the fields with the details and the amount, receive an account. Then it will be necessary to confirm this operation using SMS. The method is available to both legal entities and individuals with one nuance - for calculations with a legal entity, only a corporate banking card, written on this person, can be used.

An equally fast version of the replenishment of Yandex Direct is in cash using a special code. Get it very simple - Choose a section of the account of the invoice in the Yandex service, and in it - item "Payment Campaign Campaign". The code has the following form - 5007NNNNNNN, where NNNNNNN is the number of your advertising campaign on the directive. It makes it possible to replenish the account of Yandex Direct through the terminals, sales offices, ATMs and Yandex.Money. There are limitations in the amount of replenishment: the minimum amount is 300 rubles, the maximum is 15,000 rubles.

A longer way to pay Yandex Direct advertising campaigns - through a bank transfer. However, it is he who is ideal for those who need reporting on expenses in a documentary form. All originals of documents of financial statements on the payment of services Yandex Direct (score, invoice, act) are sent to the service to the address you specified 1 time per month. To replenish the Direct in this way, you will need to fill the necessary forms and print the formed accounts: for individuals - in the form of a receipt, for legal - in the form of an actual account. According to these payment documents, you pay the services directly through any bank.

Note that you can pay for the advertising on Yandex Direct only if your ad is moderation.

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