How to add a site in Yandex.Catalog

How to add a site in Yandex.Catalog

Your site can bring considerable income if it is a worthy "platform" to place advertising links. Significantly increase the number of proposals from optimizers allows Yandex.Catalog. What you need is to be added to Yandex.Catalog, read further.

First of all, familiarize yourself with sites requirements and their descriptions. In short, they are reduced to the fact that the site should be useful and interesting wide audience, do not contain the materials prohibited by Russian legislation, the content presented must be unique, and not to duplicate the site existing in Yandex. The site, the design of the web resource should also be unique.

There is a possibility free registration Site in Yandex.Catalog. At the same time, the average duration of consideration of the application is about 3 months. No warning about the progress of the process is provided, guarantees that the site will eventually fall into the catalog, no.

Paid registration The resource implies user authorization in the Yandex system. If the editors approve your publication (check lasts a few days), then after payment 15 000 rubles (12500+ VAT) less than after 3 days your site will replenish the Lists of Yandex.Catalog. As a bonus, your site will automatically receive a weighty share of TIC (Citation Index). Thanks to this start and mass of tools, the promotion offered by Yandex.Catalog, with competent behavior, it will not be much difficult for successful.

When registering, you must correctly fill out the following fields:

  • website address;
  • the name up to 50 characters (must contain the name of the site or organization concluded in quotes);
  • the description of up to 200 characters (does not repeat the text of the header, it may contain 3-4 points to enumerate goods or services presented on the site; the description of the description is completely or partially presented on the site's main page);
  • your email;
  • category, site genre and region you have to choose from the proposed lists;
  • availability PDA version of the site;
  • the presence of the site version in the Ukrainian language.

After filling out the listed fields, enter the captcha and send an application. Now it remains only to wait for the verdict of editors and, if successful to explore the possible ways of extension of TIC in Yandex.Catalog and an increase in the profitability of the project as a whole.

If you have the opportunity to take advantage of a paid registration in Yandex.Catalog, please use! Believe me, this investment will quickly pay off. Moreover, having understood in the actions algorithm, you will be able to develop your tactics and a strategy that allows you to make money on your Internet resources worthy.

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