How to pay for an aliexpress card

How to pay for an aliexpress card

The next stage after choosing the believing things (or things) and familiarize yourself with all the rating positions on AliexpressHowever, as in many other trading Internet sites - this is payment of lot. One of the most convenient ways to pay for purchases here is recognized as a bank card. It is on all practical nuances of this payment method we will stop.

The beginning of the payment procedure of the product chosen will be the introduction of the check code - thus the system excludes the possibility of robots entering it. After entering the required characters, click the PLACE ORDER virtual button. Now Aliexpress It will open before you a page with all possible types of payment and currency in which you can calculate. Immediately, we note that it is better to choose to pay the currency that your bank card is released under which your bank card will greatly simplify the payment procedure. Otherwise, the bank that has released your card will convert currency at its rate.

Since payment bank cards such as Visa, Maestro and MasterCard are used to Ali SPress to carry out transactions, in the list of payment methods of payment, the point corresponding to the type of your card. To avoid possible deviations of payments, we recommend that you even start the payment procedure on Aliexpress Clarify in the bank, whether the Internet payment option is connected to your card, including outside the native country. It is definitely not suitable for purchases on this trading platform Sberbank and salary cards. An ideal option here will be special debit cards to pay online purchases, for example, corn, which refers to the MasterCard type.

After selecting a payment method, you will need to fill in the fields with the name of the payment card holder, its number, validity period and enter CVV / CVC code (the last three digits on the back of the card). If the SMS payment service is connected to your payment card - waiting for a message with the code, enter it and complete the payment procedure by pressing the Virtual button "Pay for my order" (in the English version - "Pay My Order").

Despite the fact that the amount necessary to pay the amount will be removed from your payment card immediately, Aliexpress Will conduct a payment check for about a day. Such a precautionary was introduced not because you do not trust you, but rather, on the contrary, in the case of using your card by attackers, during this time you have managed to block it. Therefore, do not be scared that at this time your order will have the status of unpaid. After the trading platform system confirms the receipt of your payment, this status will change, and the order processing will begin.

Often, the payment for the product on Aliexpress with the help of bank cards takes place without any difficulties, quickly and easily. Plus, it is also safe: considering that some of the data you enter are considered confidential information, the Aliexpress system guarantees their protection. You also need to know that in such a payment method there are limits - 10,000 units in dollar equivalent.

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Yurich 04/07/2016 at 19:52

About "corn" can be more detailed? Does it have CVV / CVC code? What is the price? You have a page called "Nuances of Payment". Thank you in advance!

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