How to close an order for aliexpress

How to close an order for aliexpress

It happens that the joy of shopping falls, and it comes to her awareness that pressing the button "BUY NOW" on Aliexpress or payment was hasty - the selected thing is not needed, poor quality or seller does not inspire confidence. And in the first, and in the second case, you need to take such actions as cancellation (closing) of the order. We will tell you how it can be done.

If you change your mind to buy goods on Aliexpress, but have not yet managed to pay it, cancel the order is not so difficult. All you need to do in this case is just not to pay it. According to the rules of this trading platform, the status of an unpaid goods remains unfulfilled until its payment. That is, if during the laid 20 days you will not make a payment, the AliexPress system will automatically translate the order status in complete ("Closed »). In this status, the Virtual Button "Pay Now" (in the English version "Paynow ») Converted to the "Add to Cart" button (READD TO CART.). 

For these allocated to pay for Aliexpress 20 days you can periodically receive messages from the seller of your chosen product. Usually they are interested in the reason why you do not pay for the goods. At the same time, you may offer various assistance options in the form of advice on sending, types of payment, as well as discounts or bonuses.

If you have already paid the goods, then cancel an order for Aliexpress It will be possible only in the status of "AWAITING SHIPMENT", that is, before it is sent. To do this, find the right order in your office and cancel the order by clicking the appropriate button ("Cancel Order" or "Cancel Order"). This button becomes active only after checking the payment, that is, a day after your payment. After you click this button, the window will open where you want to select "Request Order Cancellation". So you confirm the cancellation of the order. Here you should specify the reason for your refusal.


It is also necessary to decide on whether you will be submitted to Aliexpress A complaint about the seller of goods from which you refuse. If your refusal occurred by the seller's fault, in the "Do You Want To Submit A Complaint Against This Supplier?" put "yes" and open a standard dispute.

After that, the seller receives a request for an order of cancellation and is obliged to react for 14 days. Or rather - to confirm the refusal of the transaction. If the seller's reaction during this time does not follow, system Aliexpress Automatically closes the order. The moment of closing the transaction is considered to be the starting point for returning your money - for 2 weeks they must return to you in the same way you made payment.


Also note that not all sellers easily agree to such cancellations of already paid transactions. In this case, you may report that the goods have already been sent, but it has not yet been submitted to the system. Such information must be checked, so immediately ask the seller the track number, a photo or scanpio of postal notification. If the seller does not answer you or give the wrong track number - this is a good reason for opening a dispute that on Aliexpress It is considered quickly and efficiently.

Unnamed 2.

Another important point - the cancellation of the already paid order for Ali Spress is not subject to the fine. However, try more carefully and weigly treat purchases so as not to spend your time on the process of canceling.

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