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A key order confirmation is its payment. For the implementation of the latter there are several ways: using electronic wallets - Webmoney, Kiwi Wallet (QIWI), Yandex Money or Visa bank cards, MasterCard, Maestro.
How to pay an order for Aliexpress via WebMoney: Features
- Payment via WebMoney is carried out only in dollars (USD) both from ruble (WMR) and from the dollar (WMZ) wallet.
- After the translation, the money goes to the trading platform. The amount on request the seller receives either after confirming the order, or after the time specified it (in most cases it is 2 months).
- Before sending the parcel (Processing Time), you can cancel the order. In this case, the money will be returned. Return period - from 7 days to 1 month.
- The refund of cash also occurs if after 2 months the goods did not have been delivered to you.
How to pay for an aliexpress order via WebMoney: Procedure
Selection of positions: "Basket" or "Buy Now"
Depending on whether you buy one or more positions, the ordering is possible through the "basket" - if the goods are somewhat or by pressing the Buy Now button. In the latter case, fill in the following fields: email address, contact details, postal address. After clicking "Checkout Order". If you work through the "basket", then the choice can be offered the "Check an order from this seller" or "place an order". The difference lies only in the design and payment of the selected positions - alternately (in the first case) or all at once (in the second).
Selection of payment method: WebMoney
- Next, you should select a payment method. Click "Other Payment Methods" and from the proposed options choose WebMoney. If there is not enough money on your WMZ wallet, the missing funds system will offer to remove from the WMR wallet. They will be automatically converted.
- Press the "Pay Now" button.
Payment for Aliexpress Webmanny Cable
- WebMoney Transfer window opens, in which you either specify your data in the webmoney system (login and password), or input with the help of keigriors (WinPro, WebPro) or social networks. It is more convenient to use the first way.
- To confirm your actions, use SMS notification (Cost 05 WMZ).
- After payment, to complete the payment, return to the seller ("return to the seller"). Next - "Return to the store."
All payments that are manufactured on AliexpressTake the check within 24 hours. During this period, cash is already written off, but the order is still "hanging" as unpaid. Such a situation (within the day) should not be concerned.