How to pay an order for Aliexpress to the Crimea

How to pay an order for Aliexpress to the Crimea

For incomprehensible inhabitants of Crimea, reasons, shopping on the site Aliexpress Steel are not available. But advanced users were already able to find ways to pay for the order.

How to pay for an aliexpress order in the Crimea without assistance

To make purchases, you need to create a new account, while it must be tied to fictitious IP. There are special programs for this - SafeIP, Hide IP Platinum and others. After registration, make an order and specify the delivery address. But here there are also tricks that allow you to increase the chance of ordering. Today, the Crimea is absent in the list of regions of Russia. As your region, you specify "Other". In the "City" field, specify the name of your settlement, and after Krimsky FO. Be sure to specify your zip code, indicating the number 2 in front of it 2. Find it on the site. If nothing happens, try creating an account again on the new IP and try adding the shipping address without an index. To do this, under the field for entering it, place the "checkbox" that you do not have a mail code.

How to pay an order for Aliexpress to Crimea - a friend's help

If the first way you did not help, try to ask for an order for you any of your friend or relative. Yes, it will have to wait longer to wait for your purchase and lose money on delivery to you from your acquaintance, but, given the essential difference in prices in China and in stores, it is worth it.

How to pay for an aliexpress order in Crimea - third-party resources

There are always people holding a hand on the pulse of events. Shortly after the appearance of the first problems with purchases on Aliexpress For Crimeans, services have begun to appear that provide services for the delivery of your orders from Ali to the Crimea. Before you use their services, be sure to check their reputation on the network in order to avoid deception.

Finally, I would like to remind you that there is a way out of any situation. The main thing to look for it.

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