How to pay for an order to Aliexpress from the phone

How to pay for an order to Aliexpress from the phone

There are situations in life when it is not possible to pay for an order for Aliexpress From a bank card or electronic money (Webmoney and Yandex Money). Is the goods need urgent? Then it's time to learn how to pay bills on Aliexpress using a mobile phone. Purchase payment service from the mobile account has appeared quite recently.


You should not forget that today there are still settlements where there are no banking offices. The phone can be replenished almost everywhere. That's why Aliexpress Invented and implemented a new payment system - payment from a mobile phone.

This system will be useful not only to those who live on the edge of megacities, but also those who temporarily lost access to their bank card.

At the moment, "four whales" of Russian mobile communications support the initiative Aliexpress By paying purchases by means of a mobile phone - MTS, Beeline, MegaFon and Tele2.

To make payment through a mobile phone, do not forget to pre-register on the cacheki website. You will have the opportunity to receive up to 10% of the purchase cost.

Advantages of payment for goods to Aliexpress using a mobile phone

In payment by means of a cell phone on Aliexpress There are some advantages:

  • purchase is carried out without the attraction of a bank card;
  • buying safe and you do not have to disclose the secret of the CVV code of your bank card;
  • payment is carried out instantly.

Disadvantages of payments for Aliexpress by means of a mobile phone

Despite a number of advantages with a mobile phone shopping on AliexpressThere are also a number of shortcomings:

  • high Commission;
  • on the mobile phone account, you must have a decent amount of money for large purchases.

Commission is different and depends on the operator of the cellular network. In general, you risk overpaying from 0.95% to 4% for your purchase.

How to pay from a mobile account Buying on Aliexpress

To pay a cell phone Purchase on Aliexpress, It is necessary at the latest stage of ordering, as a payment method, choose "other payment methods" - "mobile payment" and specify the operator of the cellular network that you use. After that, you will need to enter a mobile phone number.

You will receive a message to your mobile phone with the code and number of the phone to which this code should be sent for confirmation.

Completion of buying on Aliexpress

After you, following the instructions in the message, sent the code and received confirmation that the payment was carried out, you should wait 24 hours. Aliexpress Must make sure that the money came to the seller's account and it can send the parcel.

In the "Payment" tab, you will see the "Mobile Payment" inscription.

Payment by mobile phone purchases on Aliexpress - A convenient tool that can help out any minute. If you are afraid for the security of your bank account, then, paying for the purchase of a cell phone, you absolutely do not risk. The only thing to be ready to be ready is that the Commission for this type of payment is the highest on Alispress.

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