How to pay for an order to Aliexpress by cash on delivery

How to pay for an order to Aliexpress by cash on delivery

Making purchases in online stores - a great way to save time and cash. Among the variety of Chinese goods, which are located on the pages of the store Aliexpress, every buyer will be able to find exactly what he needs.

Most online stores work with their customers on prepayment. Thus, the seller receives a guarantee that the client will not "forget" about his parcel and will receive it. And what about the risks of visitors?

Cash on delivery to Aliexpress - the calm of the buyer

Shopping in online stores is not only convenient and profitable cooperation for both sides (seller and buyer), but also certain risks, again for both participants in the transaction. What are the risks from the seller? Some customers due to various circumstances may abandon their orders or not at all. Buyers are afraid to make a purchase in an unscrupulous store - pay for the order and not get anything in the end or become the owner of the product of questionable quality. Cash on delivery is the ability to pay the parcel on the fact of obtaining it. For many participants in online shopping, this method of calculation is most preferable. The risks of the transaction in this case completely fall on the shoulders of the seller. When purchasing purchases in foreign online stores, in most cases, such an opportunity is excluded. However, this does not mean that foreign trading platforms are completely scammers.

Aliexpress and cash on delivery

Not an exception and virtual shopping center Aliexpress. Working with his stores, cash on delivery in the usual sense is absent - you will not be able to pay for the goods when receiving in the mail. Only prepayment. But you should not think that the seller will immediately assign your money and will not send the goods.

  • After payment of the order, cash flows at the expense of the trading platform Aliexpress And "frozen".
  • While you did not receive your package - the seller does not receive his money. That is why the store is not less interested in the successful completion of the transaction. In addition, if the time-written time is not delivered, you have the full right to terminate the deal. Cash will be returned.
  • Important moment - if you have complaints to the product received, open the dispute. He will consider the service Aliexpress. If the contents of the parcel really do not correspond to the order (in quality including) - you will be returned to money. But you should do it for 7 days from the date of receipt of the parcel. After this time expires, the money comes with the seller and the claims are no longer accepted.

About fraudsters, too, not forget. Before designing and paying goods, carefully examine the reviews about this seller, the total number of its sales, as well as the rating. If information on all items suits you, the probability of negative outcome is minimal.

Nevertheless if payment is on the fact of being

If the buyer categorically does not want to pay money before receiving the parcel, and some product positions really liked him, the output is one - mediators. Contacts to intermediary shops who will take on all risks online purchases, and will also monitor your order until it arrives. Of course, they will do it not for free, but for a commission of remuneration. In this case, you pay your order with Aliexpress Directly in the mail upon receipt of the parcel.

Desire to make online shopping on Aliexpress The most secure is quite justified and natural. The lack of payment of goods upon receipt does not make transactions more risky. Carefully learn the terms of payment, the delivery time of the package, the technique of returning and buying on Aliexpress Bring only joy.

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