Order statuses for Aliexpress - how to check

Order statuses for Aliexpress - how to check

What happens after registration, search for the desired goods and ordering on Aliexpress? Information about this can always be found in the status of the appropriate order.

To view the status of your orders, you need to go to the menu "My Aliexpress"-" My Orders ", after following the login.

Depending on the stage on which the order is located, its status may be as follows:

  • Payment is expected: the order is issued by the buyer, but not yet paid.
  • Your payment is checked: During the day after payment, the payment is processed by the site system.
  • Cancellation is expected: the buyer has submitted a request for cancellation of orderis expected to confirm the cancellation by the seller.
  • Order Processing: The seller processes the order and sends the goods at the specified address.
  • Particular shipment: The seller sent part of the goods, for example, in the event of a wholesale order.
  • Confirmation is expected: the order is sent by the seller, and it is expected to confirm its receipt by the buyer.
  • The dispute is open: a unresolved dispute is currently opened at this request.
  • The order is frozen: the seller in some way violated the rules of Aliexpress, and all of his orders were frozen at the time of checking, according to the results of which this order will be continued in normal mode, either end with the return of money to the buyer.
  • Foundation Processing: Returning money for paid order in case of its cancellation or won dispute.
  • The order is completed: all actions for this order are completed.

By clicking on the "View data" button below the order status, you can see more detailed information. Pay attention to the temporary meter, which shows how long the time remains until the end of the order protection and the parcel tracking number below:

  • If the parcel was sent more than a week ago and there are no information about this number, boldly open the dispute.
  • If the parcel tracking shows that it is already on the approach, but the time on the counter is already ends, request an extension of the order protection using the appropriate button.
  • If you received the parcel and there are still a few days of time on the counter, check the goods before confiring the receipt of goods, otherwise, if you confirm receipt or completing the order protection time, you will not be able to open the dispute, the order will be automatically raised.

Thus, you can control the status of your order, keep track of its delivery and respond to possible problems in time.

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