To everyone who came across shopping on the Aliexpress Chinese shopping area is for sure to be familiar to the order of protection of the order. This is the deadline for which money is held by the site administration and are not transmitted to the seller to guarantee the buyer to deliver a serviceable product. Before the protection expires, you can contact the seller with complaints to get compensation. When the defense is over, you will not be able to prevent the seller of the claim.
There may be several reasons for extending protection. For example, if the parcel did not arrive at a certain period, the extension allows not to request a refund directly, but wait a little longer. In addition, if you received the goods, but do not have time to check its quality and efficiency, you will help extend the buyer's protection.
I request the extension of the buyer's protection:
Log in to your account on Aliexpress and go to My Orders page. Lay in the list of orders the defense for which you want to extend. Pay attention to the order table next to each item indicated the remaining protection time. Open the page of the desired order by clicking "More" next to its number.
In conclusion of our article, it should be noted a very important point. Extend the buyer's protection can only seller. You can only request the extension of protection and expect the seller's decision. Typically, sellers willingly go to extend so that the buyer does not open the dispute.
However, it is important to understand that the seller will not answer you instantly, so the extension is necessary for 5-7 days before the end of the protection period. If the time is lost, and until the end of the protection is less than 48 hours left, you still leave the request, but follow the time so that at least in the last day you have time to open the dispute (dispute). If the dispute is not open, and the protection time is expired, the goods are considered to be obtained in proper quality, and the money is transferred to the seller.