The best sellers for Aliexpress

The best sellers for Aliexpress

No one wants to be deceived, especially if it concerns money. Upon learning of the existence of a foreign trade platform AlExpress, many newbies begin to buy, without disaster, liked goods. Comments of such buyers can then be found on numerous forums where they are tearing asking to help return paid funds back. In order not to be disappointed in purchases through online stores, consider the basic rules for choosing the best seller on Aliexpress.

On the page of each product you can see the rating of the seller. It is graphically depicted in the form of a crown, diamonds or medal. Rating points are charged for each positive customer feedback. Ideally, it is better to choose a seller with crowns, which sent more than 20,000 parcels, has long been on the market and values \u200b\u200bits reputation. Sellers with medals are better not to choose. The exception can be shops offering expensive goods, but not all.

The rating of the store follows information on positive reviews in the percentage ratio. Prefer the suppliers with a value from 96%. The higher the percentage of feedback and the seller rating, the more reliably to make purchases.

For a more detailed acquaintance with the Supplier, go to the store feedback page. View the average assessment of the seller for compliance with the description, sociability and delivery speed. Explore the change in the percentage of feedback over the last year of the store. Read positive and negative feedback.

Do not neglect the opportunity to chat with the store representative. You can send a message via the "Contacts" tab on the store page or use the program TradeManager. Ask to send real photos of goods, choose the right size or discuss the technical characteristics of the model. Treaty and promptly replied sellers with high rating indicators are definitely suitable.

An additional advantage in the seller's piggy bank will have free shipping to your country.

In specialized forums, users put links to proven suppliers who did not create problems to their customers. This information is especially useful if the product you like has been available in a newly registered store, which did not have time to gain an impressive number of rating points.

You can check the reliability of the seller using free programs. These include "Aliexpress Directory" and "Risk level when buying". To check it is enough to enter a link to the seller or purchased goods. Detailed information on the use of data services read on our website.

Over time, you can easily find the best deals. The main thing is to always remember that the success of any purchase to Aliexpress by 90% depends on the seller's choice.

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