How to combine orders for aliexpress

How to combine orders for aliexpress

Due to low prices and auctions with free shipping, Aliexpress It is profitable to buy many things. To make the process even more convenient, this online market has entered the opportunity to combine orders from one seller in a shared parcel.

How to combine products from different sellers on Aliexpress?

This is a very painful question among beginners and regular buyers Ali. Unfortunately, until now, the web site has not introduced such a function, and does not plan to promote it in the near future. It would seem why? The answer is simple and lies in the fact that Aliexpress - just a web representation offering a place on the Internet for sellers from all over China and even beyond. These people are no longer connected and will not make them difficult to meet in reality and set the goods in one box. However, you have the right to ask the seller who has bought several products, send them at the same time (if there are these things in stock). Please note that even this option is not always easy to implement. It is worth first to write off with the seller and clarify whether it can do as convenient for you.

We combine the goods from one seller through the basket on Aliexpress

For ease of registration and payment, you can combine the goods from one vendor in a shared order through their addition to the basket. Here you choose the same way of delivery, in the "Shipping details" column. The most popular suppliers get tens of orders on day and simply not able to draw attention to the fact that some of them are bought by one person. Therefore, facilitate life and your Asian partner, using the "BUY ALL FROM This Seller" option.

How to choose a seller on Aliexpress?

Based on the above, the key to success is the choice of a reliable seller who will appreciate your time and will do everything for positive feedback. Here are some simple tips on what characterizes a reliable seller:

  • Rating and good statistics: We are looking for them in the side panel on the right. The number of "satisfied" buyers is marked by a number in percent, and medals and other "skies" show how many reviews were.
  • According to subjective sensations: Do not take the goods, which scored less than 90% of approval. Most often, this does not mean that the thing is bad, but indicates a certain "nuance", which may not please the buyer (and therefore with a 10% chance - and you too). Ali is very easy to find a more worthy alternative.
  • The "Crown" icon is better than the "diamond", and the latter is higher than the "medal". The diamond speaks about one thousand reviews, the crown - about whole twenty thousands.
  • Do not hurry to take a product that has received 5 stars rating. Look for reviews about good sellers with Ali on the Internet. After all, sometimes the first impression of joy from a cheap product is overshadowed after a month after it is damaged or incompletely compliance with the characteristics.
  • Do not be lazy to scroll through all the feedback pages. Often buyers lay out real photos of things, which is very important when ordering clothes and those products for which the appearance is decisive.

In the fact that the parcels from different sellers will come at different times, there is even some plus. Customs duty, calculated from the cost of goods, tends to constantly decrease. Therefore, for several small orders that come with a small time interval, do not have to pay extra money.

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