How to place an order for aliexpress

How to place an order for aliexpress

Despite the fact that the international site Aliexpress He began to partially translate his interface into Russian, many shopping details remain for beginners are not quite clear. Therefore, today we will analyze in detail how without feasible to buy any product on Ali, issue it and get in your postal address.

How to place an order for Aliexpress - Registration

Without this important step, buying on the site will not work, so first of all we will have to register. Unlike other web sites, Aliexpress behaves very tolerant and does not fall asleep by the mailbox with an unnecessary spam. For attachment to the number of fans of foreign shopping:

  • go to the main page Ali and click "Register";
  • we get to the "Create Your Account" page, fill all the items of Latin;
  • if the goods are bought for themselves, in the "Which Best Describes" field, we leave "END Consumer" (sellers choose from other options);
  • we enter the captcha, click "Create", a window will appear with a notification that the link to confirm registration is sent to Email;
  • go to mail, open the letter, click on the confirmation link;
  • fill out on the site a profile with data for sending to Transaction -\u003e Shipping sections.

How to place an order for Aliexpress - Choose goods

The range on the site is huge - this is a fact that does not require confirmation. However, how to choose from a huge number of proposals what you do not have to regret? So:

  • search by Ali You can make keywords in Russian, the service will translate your request automatically;
  • if the results leave to desire the best, try entering words in English;
  • among the numerous sorting options, it is worth choosing suggestions with free shipping to the right country, as well as to cut out wholesale proposals, leaving only sage sales;
  • we sort the goods by the number of customers sold and reading customers, sided under the material;
  • we look at the seller's profile - it is desirable that the number of successful transactions exceeds 95%.

Ordering an order to Aliexpress

Before putting the goods to the basket on Aliexpress, once again, recheck the color matching, the size stated by the characteristics. To quite accurately get the right product, duplicate your wishes in the seller's message. In the comments to the order, the window with which will open before payment, you can write possible models \\ colors for replacement, or specify that this option does not fit you. Further:

  • click "Place Order" (here again can be replayed. What bought) and "Pay Now" to pay;
  • paying any of the Visa, MasterCard and Maestro cards, through QIWI, Webmoney, Yandex Money;
  • drive data from credit cards (name, number, validity period, code), press "pay" and about a day we are waiting for the payment check;
  • when the order is packed and sent by the seller, you will receive a message with the number to track the parcel;
  • for a long time - from 15 to 50 days, the goods will be located in China (or other countries), it will be possible to track it only on;
  • next, the parcel falls on Russian Post, it is processed as ordinary departures.

About a week before the expiration specified in the description of the auction Aliexpress It starts to send the proposal to the mail to confirm the receipt of the goods or open the dispute on the fact of the complaints. If you skip the time set for it, the parcel will be considered automatically obtained, the product is a suitable description. Therefore, carefully refer to messages from the site and check the deadlines to which the seller promised to meet.

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