How to make an order for Aliexpress step by step

How to make an order for Aliexpress step by step

Like all new and unfamiliar, first purchase on Aliexpress May be confused, causing a lot of questions. How to choose a product, pay for it, get at the desired address and even to overtake the discount from a foreign seller? We will talk about all this in this article.

How to make an order for Aliexpress - first steps

Mandatory requirement for purchases on any online service is to register an account, here Aliexpress Not exception. Creating an account occurs quickly, uncomplicated and will not cause additional confusion. Everything is simple:

  • go to the site Aliexpress and find at the top to the right item "Registration";
  • the site redirects us to the appropriate page, on which English letters enter your personal data - the email address, the name and surname, a fairly reliable password for shopping;
  • you can also log in with the help of a filebook account, simply allow the Site the appropriate request;
  • immediately over the heading "Create a profile", we read the rules, agree with them, press the cherished yellow button;
  • the message that appears notifies the need to check your email box;
  • go to Email, go to the link to confirm;
  • if everything is done correctly - authorized and rejoice in the opportunities that have discovered.

How to place an order for Aliexpress - add address in the profile

In the personal account there are many interesting sections. They will be useful to us immediately after the first purchase. In the meantime, you should make an important step - to specify the address for delivery. We enter it in the last section of the "Order Management" section (left and below), and the sellers "as is" glue on the parcel. Therefore, it is important to write correctly and picking up to understand not only foreign suppliers, but also employees of Russian Post. Since most sellers from China do not speak Russian (most likely their technique does not even displays Cyrillic, due to the lack of the desired encoding), write all the data is needed by Latin. If there is a foreign passport - boldly transfer data from it. However, in the local post office, too, should also be understood where to deliver the purchase. Therefore, there should be no Boulevard of Peace, the world's street stands the simplest way to translibrate in Ulitsu Mira, in any way. Also be sure to indicate:

  • postcode, check it here;
  • mobile phone number (introduced in international format, for example + 7921xxxxxxx).

How to pay for Aliexpress?

When the goods are selected and placed in a basket (pay attention, one and the same purchase may differ in price, depending on the color or other selectable parameters), you can continue shopping or go to payment. After checking the order and click the "Pay Now" button, the buyer chooses, in what form wants to make a translation - through a credit card, Qiwi Wallet, Webmoney or Yandex.Money, in rubles or dollars. For some cards, you need to include Internet transactions or just order your bank special Internet card for shopping online. Next, enter:

  • map number (only correct - out of 16 characters);
  • time of action, 4 digits through a slash, for example 11/18 (up to 11 months of 2018);
  • The CVV code is on the back (if the virtual card must be signed in online banking);
  • by clicking "Pay", waiting for a special confirmation code by SMS or to the application;
  • after its input, a message about a successful procedure should appear.

After sending the goods, you can track it along the track code. The parcel status varies once a day, or even less often, so too often check the cherished parcel does not make sense.

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