How to pay aliexpress via kiwi

How to pay aliexpress via kiwi

Make payment for goods on Aliexpress Now you can via the QIWI electronic wallet. Consider the main advantages and features of this payment method.

How to pay Aliexpress through kiwi - Create a wallet QIWI

If you do not have a Qiwi wallet, it's time to start it. To do this, register on the official website via the Internet or any payment terminal. At the end of registration, you will receive step-by-step instructions for creating a wallet.

We pay for aliexpress using QIWI Wallet

To make a payment, follow a few simple actions:

  • log in Aliexpress under their credentials;
  • select the product you want to purchase. Put it in the basket;
  • open the basket. In the order card, go through the "Order from this seller" tab. In the form that opens, specify the delivery address and order items. Click "Checkout Order";
  • in the window that appears, select the method of payment Qiwi Wallet. Enter your wallet number and click on the "Pay Now" tab. The system will redirect you to the official website of QIWI. To enter you the phone will be sent to the phone;
  • enter the resulting SMS / PUSH code. The page will appear on a successful payment.

It is important that payment is carried out only in USD. Therefore, the QIWI payment system will propose to exchange rubles for dollars at the current course. The operation will take a few seconds.

Checking the refund for not a commercial product

Return is made in case the product did not come on time, and you won the dispute. Separated money will return to your wallet. Moreover, the refund can come both in dollars and in rubles. Therefore, check the balance on both accounts.

We solve problems with payment for Aliexpress through Kiwi

Sometimes it happens that payment may not pass or write down in a double size. The process of solving these problems is as follows:

  • go to QIWI Personal Cabinet to section "Payment history" . Make sure the system is correctly transferred to the account of Aliexpress;
  • save the document confirming the fact of payment. If the payment has not passed, ask the question of QIWI technical support;
  • contact B. customer Support Aliexpress with payment receipt. You can do it through a virtual assistant or online chat.

So, pay for the purchases on Aliexpress via QIWI is easy and convenient. An excellent alternative for those who for their reasons cannot make payment by a bank card. All risks are minimized, because on the account you can keep the minimum amount. In addition, the QIWI system guarantees the security of payments.

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