Aliexpress in Russian

Aliexpress in Russian

Huge shopping area Aliexpress Known far beyond China. The services of this online store use hundreds of thousands of people from Europe. Gradually, residents of Russia learned about the high ranking of this trading platform. Because of the huge popularity of the site, developers Aliexpress They have done everything possible so that buyers do not experience problems when searching for goods and solve other issues. For this purpose, all sections of the site AlExpress are now automatically translated into Russian.

How to make aliexpress in Russian

For the convenience of buyers, the site service was almost completely translated into Russian. In order to proceed with the search for the product of the desired category or start from scratch (to go through the registration procedure), you must use the Google Chrome browser.

There are other ways to go to Russian:

  • As soon as you enter the address of the trading platform in the browser string AliexpressThe browser must offer you an automatic translation of this page. It is necessary to agree with this proposal and confirm the actions.
  • Next method: You need to manually enter the desired information in the browser address bar. To do this, in front of the address you need to enter 2 letters "RU", the following is:
  • One more ways to change the language on your own Aliexpress. It is possible to make it literally for counting seconds if you specify the "Edit or Select Language" to the Language tab on the site. From the drop-down list, select the delivery country. In this case, this may be Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine. Usually buyers from these countries are more convenient to search for goods and purchase in Russian. When changing the country of the recipient, the language remains the one that the user chose. You still need to specify the currency. If the "Russia" country indicated, then the currency needs to choose "rubles", if the country "Ukraine" is specified, but the language remains Russian, then the currency of the store must be indicated in the hryvnia. It is convenient that this service automatically recalculates the cost of the selected product in the desired buyer currency immediately at the rate at the time of purchase.

And what else needs to know to make Aliexpress in Russian

Due to the fact that many buyers have already come to the site AliexpressBut because it was not clear to them, how to search for goods on the Chinese site and how to pay, then the creators of the site Aliexpress decided to develop a Russian-speaking version of the site. All products and all information automatically translates into Russian. The only thing is that the product description is not always correctly translated, but then the buyer can guess and understand from the description of the available information all that he needs. He can also explore customer reviews, ask a question to the seller.

Aliexpress It works in the currency that the buyer indicates, that is, if you indicated a convenient language and convenient currency, then it's also initially the price on the site is formed in dollars, and already when purchased is recalculated at the rate. This means that the real amount when paying in different days and even in different hours may differ and depend on the selected payment method and your bank. Successful shopping for you Aliexpress!

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