Catalog of goods for Ali Spress in Russian

Catalog of goods for Ali Spress in Russian

Aliexpress - marketplace with millions of goods. How among the variety to find the one you need? Led Below the review will help you quickly find the necessary thing.

We go to Aliexpress in Russian

First of all, go to the Russian-speaking version of the site on the link Aliexpress.. If you are on the page with the original version, in the upper right corner, open the "Language" tab. From the drop-down list, select "Site in Russian".


2) Go to the main catalog for Ali Spress in Russian

In the upper left corner, find the "Categories" window. It consists of 13 most popular sections. To get to the main directory, follow the link "See all". It is located on one line with the inscription "Categories". A detailed directory with a variety of sections and subsections will open. It is possible to find everything, starting with clothing and ending with self-defense goods.

Find the necessary item in the catalog to Aliexpress

We now turn to the search for a specific product. We will find for example, a classic black skirt pencil.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • determine what category the desired thing may include and go to the appropriate section. In our case, the section "Clothing and accessories for women";
  • select the appropriate subsection in the updated "Categories" window. Open the "bottom skirt" tab;
  • mark the search criteria in the column that appears on the left. All specified selection parameters are displayed in the upper left corner. According to the specified indicators, the site will appear photos and description of the goods. Select the appropriate option.

We sort the results on additional parameters to Aliexpress

If you found what you were looking for, the search can be considered finished. But what to do, when after the manipulations carried out, there are still a lot of options. In this case, sort the results obtained on additional conditions. To do this, go to the horizontal line of sorting. Set price range. If necessary, tick the empty windows.

Below, find the "Sort by" tab and select the most significant selection criterion.

Sorting is possible in the following parameters:

  • the best choice is the best products based on Aliexpress rating;
  • orders - goods that order more often than others;
  • novelties;
  • seller rating;
  • price ascending;
  • price descending.

After that, the page will automatically update and the results will be much smaller. The search for the right thing will be more comfortable and will take less time.

As can be seen, the Aliexpress catalog in Russian is simple and understandable. By setting all the parameters, the desired thing can be found in a few minutes.

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