How to get goods with aliexpress for review

How to get goods with aliexpress for review

Quite often bloggers on their sites, social networking pages or channels in YouTube make reviews for goods from Aliexpress. Some of them say, and someone silent that the goods of these them come completely free. In this article we will tell how to Aliexpress Get the goods for review and do not pay for it.

The first and most important rule, you must be a blogger. However, this is not the only condition. There are a number of requirements that you need to match and which you need to perform correctly.

How to get goods with Aliexpress for review - Bloggers Requirements

  • To get the goods for free to review, you need not just to have an author's blog, it should be at least 300 subscribers, a good advantage will be the presence of a canal on YouTube.
  • You must be able to post on the main page of the blog banners of ITAO promotions.
  • You will need to publish reviews with high-quality photos and a description of the goods not only on your blog page, but also on the ITAO website.


How to get goods with Aliexpress for review - Requirements for reviews

You do not need to return the goods or pay for shipping, that is, you do not spend a penny. However, to leave a review on the ITAO website to the received goods are necessary within two weeks after it is received. If you do not fulfill this condition, you will be automatically listed on the blacklist and in the future you will no longer be able to participate in this affiliate program designed specifically for bloggers.

How to get goods with Aliexpress to review - Requirements for text and photos of the review

  • With photos, everything is relatively simple, they should be high quality. Please note that the first downloaded photo will become the main thing in the post, so it should be the best of the best.
  • With the text, there is also nothing complicated. Briefly describe each your photo. If you have come shoes or clothes, specify your parameters, growth, weight or size, this information is useful to other users. Share your impressions, and your feedback will be not only interesting, but also useful. Try to describe everything that it would be interesting to you, as a person who wants to acquire this thing.

If you do not know how to make a review of goods with Aliexpress, Look, how do these experienced bloggers do. Believe me, they have something to learn. Here is an example of one blogger and his review on YouTube.


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