Sale on Aliekspress

Sale on Aliekspress

Any seller strives to ensure, to increase the number of sales and entice the buyer. Overstock Aliexpress arranges regularly. In order to make a purchase, some store buyers are waiting for the day will be discounts on the website.

Permanent sales Aliekspress

In order not to wait for some days, it is designed so service Aliekspress site to the buyer to make a purchase right away. Therefore, Aliexpress there are permanent and constantly updated section, which presents the goods only at a discount.

Existing sales online:

  • Category " Discounted Products"- the most advantageous offer, discounts are enormous, you can buy something for just pennies.
  • Category " Moll"Or marketplace, where goods are sold at a discount. Promotional offers, the possibility of rapid delivery of in Russia (only 5 days).
  • Category "Best Products", " Bestsellers"Products with big discounts are combined in a separate subgroup.
  • Products with almost 99% discount hiding in the category "BEST products" look this category called " almost nothing". Updates 3 times a week: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 am Moscow time.
  • Every day new sales, The range of products is constantly updated.
  • Another category of goods, which many buyers do not know, it's sales on the weekend. Also a lot of lucrative offers.
  • Promotions on Aliekspress site.
  • There is a section where you can get a coupon for a discount.
  • Discount forever, for life, by 7% with the purchase of any goods.

Overstock Aliekspress. When can I expect?

In addition to regular sales, which are updated every day, there are better offers, sellers arrange from time to time, adjusting to certain holidays and other important events.

Overstock Aliexpress:

  • Thematic - for any holiday (New Year, Halloween celebration, March 8, etc.). Products on a site with good discounts are selected under the topics of the holiday.
  • Sale for seasons. As soon as the season is over, the remnants of the goods every seller wants to sell faster to make a profit. Therefore, special seasonal sales are arranged when the goods can be bought with a huge discount, up to 90%. This category includes new year sales, and there are 2 major sales per year, the sellers are adjusted to the European New Year and give discounts on the Chinese New Year.
  • One of the favorable sales called "11.11". All that can be sold and literally for a penny. Start at 11 o'clock Moscow time, the sale lasts day. Ends at 11 o'clock November 12th.
  • "Black Friday" is also a profitable sale, the goods are sold with huge discounts. In 2016, the Great Sale is scheduled for November 26.
  • Following Friday, "Cyber \u200b\u200bFront" comes, also a lot of profitable suggestions for those who did not have time to buy on Friday.
  • A big event of the year is a huge sale in December. A feature of this sales is that buyers need to participate in games, earn points and change them to discount coupons.
  • Clearance before the celebration of the Chinese New Year. Good sellers in advance announce the list of products with discounts, for 1 or 2 weeks before the start of the sale so that buyers can postpone the necessary goods to the basket and buy it on the day of the sale. Usually such an action is held in February.
  • Another February sale, dedicated to the celebration on February 23. Date can "swim", it all depends on when the Chinese New Year fell.
  • The sale of March 8 begins in 2 weeks, many products for girls with discounts, as well as technique: tablets and mobile phones.
  • The name of the site AlExpress is a coolest sale approximately being held in March, a lot of shares, discounts, coupons.
  • The sale "Eternally young" begins at the beginning of summer - presented products of the summer category, many prom dresses, shoes. Discounts 30-70%, the ability to get a discount coupon.
  • At the end of summer, on August 25, a "happy sale" starts, the action, when 50% discount is operating on all products. If you are new to, you will get a $ 4 discount coupon when you first order.
  • September 23 - day when you can buy a Chinese brand with a discount of up to 70%, get a coupon with a very profitable discount (up to $ 100).

Now you know when sales on the site Aliexpress. Profitable shopping!

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