How to exchange coupons for aliexpress

How to exchange coupons for aliexpress

Aliexpress is the most popular area that has long been beyond the usual online store. Thousands of sellers and the incompatible amount of goods please buyers in low prices. However, additional bonuses in the form of coupons attract users even more. About where to take such coupons and how to exchange them properly, we will tell in this article.

Where to get points to exchange them for coupons aliexpress

  • Use referral links.
  • Share in one of your social. Network link to Aliexpress.
  • Leave Reviews on itao. With unique photos of your purchases.
  • Play games from Aliexpress.
  • Install the application on your smartphone and get 20 points for every day visits.

Where to look for your coupons for aliexpress

  • Go to the "My Coupons" section. This section displays all your coupons, overdue and active, and the timing of their action, the dates are standing near each coupon, as well as the Coupon Conditions. Please note that coupons will be in two tabs: the first - coupons from the seller, the second - coupons from Aliexpress.

  • With coupons from Aliexpress, everything is easy and simple, when buying a product you will be prompted to exchange them.

  • With coupons from the seller, everything is a bit more complicated, firstly, each of them can be used only in the store of the seller who issued a coupon, and secondly, a certain amount is set to which you need to buy so that you can exchange your coupon.

How to exchange a coupon for aliexpress

Coupons OT Aliexpress Or sellers you can see in the section of your page in the "My Coupons" paragraph, which are automatically activated when purchased. The system when placing the order will offer you to take advantage of the discount coupon.

There is one nuance to pay attention to not lose your coupon. In addition to its term, there is still a dates when you can exchange your coupon. For example, a coupon, which gave you before the sale, most likely will act exactly on the day of the sale.

  • Choose the goods you want to buy, click the "Buy Now" button. Next, you will be redirected to the next step where you need to make your purchase, you can also exchange a coupon.

  • Now you need to select "Use coupon" or "Coupon Code", choose one of the proposed items. You will pop up the window where all your coupons will be displayed. Select the appropriate coupon and click on "OK". In your eyes, the coupon will exchange for a discount.

As you can see, you can make purchases on Aliexpress even more profitable. Pay attention to the number of your discounts and terms of their action, use them to the maximum, and you will save a decent amount.

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