How to activate coupon for aliexpress

How to activate coupon for aliexpress

Buying goods by AliexpressSellers willingly share discount coupons. This is a good opportunity to save on buying and buy goods with a good discount. It often happens that the action of the coupon expires, and the buyer does not know what to do with it and how to use it.

How to activate coupon for aliexpress

If you want to use a discount, you first need to choose a product and buy it. You must send the selected item to the basket, this is the standard procedure for buying goods in any online stores. And what if the discount coupon was issued when buying? Most users have a question to do what to do with this coupon and how to activate it. It is necessary to introduce some data.

How to activate a coupon:

  • We go to the Aliexpress website.
  • Then open your personal account. Enter login and password.
  • If the coupon is already in the Personal Account, then you need to choose a suitable coupon (if there are several of them) and click on the "Use Now" button. If you use the English-speaking version of the site, then you need to click on the "Use Now" button.
  • Next, a simple procedure, during which you need to specify all the data as with the standard purchase of goods.
  • Next, you need to be as attentive and look for information about the use of the coupon. Perhaps a separate link with such data "Using a coupon" will appear. You need to click on it and if there is a code on your coupon, then enter numbers.
  • If everything is done correctly, it remains only to complete the order, make payment and wait for the arrival of the parcel.

About the list of coupons and their views on Aliexpress

To view the entire list of coupons, you need to go to the "My Account" section and find the "My Coupons" tab.

If there are several of them, then they are divided into several types:

  • Coupons with discounts from a particular seller.
  • Coupons with discounts from the trading platform.

In these coupons sections, there may be several, and they are also divided into categories.

You will see a table with the data in which:

  • nominal discount coupon. This is the amount of discount so that you understand how less needs to pay for the goods, if you use a coupon;
  • the status of this coupon. You will see the term of its action and when it expires;
  • appointment discount. That is, where it can be used. There is a category of coupons that are used only in specific stores or in specific sections of goods (only electronics, only children's goods, etc.);
  • terms of use of the coupon. For example, you need to order this seller of goods for a certain amount to take advantage of the discount coupon.

Remember that if you decide to return the money spent for the goods that you did not receive, then canceling the order or when the money requirement is back, the coupons will return again to your personal account, provided that you choose a "full refund" and prove it. If only part of the amount spent the spent, then the coupons are canceled. Coupons from the seller are not returned back.

Coupon statuses:

  • coupon with the name "Valid" means that this is a valid coupon that can be used;
  • coupon "Inactive" - \u200b\u200ba coupon, which is currently not used, the coupon is inactive;
  • coupon with the name "Expired", coupon, which was not used, is overdue. It is impossible to use;
  • the "USED" coupon has already been used and cannot be reused.

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