How to add a site in Yandex

How to add a site in Yandex

To the Yandex search engine I bet to your site with the appropriate user request, it must be indexed. Check out the instructions to learn how to do it.

The Yandex system is constantly looking for new sites on the links and is the likelihood that your site is also indexing without your participation, but better and faster if you yourself announce your site in Yandex.Vebmaster.

In the Address field of your site, you need to enter only a link to the main page, all the others will be indexed automatically. When The URL will be entered, fill in the captcha and click on the "Add" button.

If the site was not found by the search engine earlier, the message "The XXX address was successfully added.", Otherwise, you will see a warning "specified URL already indexed“.

Basically, after the indexation, the site becomes available for the search for 7-10 days.

As you could make sure, add a website to the Yandex system extremely simple. As soon as your site is indexed, the number of views, and therefore the traffic will begin to grow rapidly, so do not neglect this procedure.

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