How to create yandex mail

How to create yandex mail

Email Along with cellular communication is an integral part of not only business, but everyday life. Consider how to create Yandex mail almost one click.

To begin with, connect to the site. "" And create an account by clicking on the Mail tab.

Next, you will transfer to another page, where it will be prompted to enter the mail, register or create a mailbox - select the third option.

At the next stage, click the "New Box" button, if you never previously used other Yandex Services.

The next step is direct registration. Come up with the name and surname or enter your own data in proper fields. Also come up with yourself a unique login, etc., according to the proposed items. When everything is filled, enter the captcha (text in the picture) and click the "Register" button.

After passing registration, you will immediately be available to a new email address consisting of a unique login-identifier, the Sabachka icon and the domain name "".

When filling in the registration form, you can enter the number of your cell phone as an identifier (login), then you definitely never get lost on the way to Yandex mail.

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