How to create email free

How to create email free

Email, like the mobile phone number, is indicated in the resume for employment. When registering on social networks and other sites, the mailbox will send a letter to activate the account, and just need to communicate with people, sending and receiving attached files.

Select the mail server. Free mailbox can be created, for example: on,, For an example, choose Mail on Google, now it is gaining popularity due to the fact that Android smartphones require its presence to download applications.

We go to the site, in the upper right corner, click on the "Mail" point, on the new page at the bottom of the text we click on the "New Google Account" hyperlink.

Fill out the account questionnaire. As the first part of the name of the mailbox, it is better to choose an easy-to-read word or phrase on translitement. If such a name is already registered, the message will fly out that it is not unique, you will have to either add numbers or replace something else. We enter the captcha and put a tick that we agree with the conditions. Click "Next."

To fill the profile, choose photos, load, press "Next".

For security, you are invited to enter your phone number, if we forget the password, this number will be sent to the confirmation code. Fill this item is not necessary. You can also add your profile with other personal data, photos. It is possible to find friends and acquaintances.

The e-mail box creation procedure on different mail servers is practically different. Remember your e-mail and you can specify it as a contact information wherever it is required.

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