How to send an email file

How to send an email file

Most Internet users almost occasionally faces sending files by email. The point is fast and simple. However, the newcomer can still have some problems. All questions and misunderstandings arise due to a banal ignorance of the mail client interface. That is why let's look at how to send an email file with all the details. So, let's begin.

First you need to go to one of the services where you have a mailbox. Suppose it will be

Next, we enter the registration data in the left-hand left for this field.

If you are all right, then it will be redirected, and you will fall into your email box.

Now you can start writing a letter. To do this, click on the appropriate "write" button above folders with incoming, outgoing and other letters.

You must have a form of filling out a new email.

It is sure to fill in the field with the addressee. The field with the theme can be left free. If there is a need, just below leave the message text. Next, click on the "Attach file" button or on the cloud icon, which is near. The last item is selected if the file you need is located in your electronic storage cloud.

When you click on "Attach the file" you will have a window with a choice of path to it. Specify the path and click the Open button.

If you do everything right, then the required file will attach to your letter. This will indicate the inscription just below the "Attach file" buttons. If the file is large or the speed of the Internet is small, then you have to wait. In this case, the slider will appear with the loading of the paul. You should wait for a full download and only then click the "Send" button. It is slightly above the field with the addressee.

If everything went true, then you will see a message about the successful file sending, and your addressee will receive a long-awaited letter in a few minutes.

If you selected sending a file from the cloud, then you will open its structure. And already in it, you must choose the file you need and click the "Attach" button.

As in the first version of the shipping we have considered, you must have a field with an already attached file. If its size is large or the speed of the Internet is small, then you will have to wait for it a bit.

Once the file attached, you can proceed to shipment. To do this, click the "Send" button, as in the first version we have considered.

Having done everything right, you can see a message about the successful sending file to the addressee.

Now you know how to send an email file. Despite the fact that we have considered only one of all possible options for free postal services, this knowledge will be enough to deal with others. Their design, structure and principle of operation are very similar. Do not hurry, follow exactly the instructions - and no unpleasant surprises will happen. Successful work on the Internet!

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alexey 03/16/2018 at 1:38


To answer
Emil 24/02/2020 at 15:35

It remains incomprehensible how to send by email. Mail article from the Internet, without copying it to a computer.

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