How to create corporate mail

How to create corporate mail

Own corporate mail is an important tool in the work of any company. With it, it is carried out as interaction within the company and with clients / partners. The organization and support of corporate mail can be engaged independently by hiring IT professionals and purchasing the necessary equipment, or on outsource - with the help of any hosting provider providing such services. The second option is easier and cheaper, it is optimally suitable for small companies. Consider more about how to create corporate mail on

First you need to go through simple registration in Google Apps for Work. The first step is to fill information about yourself and your company. Keep in mind that under the working address of EL. Mail is meant your already existing mailbox, and not desired.

Next, specify the address of the company's domain. Use an existing site, if any, or buy a domain and use it. In this instruction, the domain name "" is taken for example.

At the last registration stage in Google Apps, you need to specify your name that will be applied with your domain name in the email address, password and confirm the registration. For example, take the name Admin, respectively, the address of the corporate mail will look like "".

Ready! Registration is over, and you automatically hit the Administrator Console page. Your corporate mail is created. If you want to get acquainted with Google's post service, use help.

For further work, first of all it is necessary to confirm your ownership of the domain. To do this, it is best to use a step-by-step setup wizard (button in the form of a gear in the upper right corner - "Setup").

After that, you can add other users to the corporate postal network by specifying their names, surnames, as well as assigning them to the postcases addresses. Do not forget to connect the Gmail service to these users. Each of them will have to go through a simple confirmation procedure to its account.

Since the trial period of working with Google Apps is 30 days, it is necessary to switch to the administrator console to the "Payment" section, select the most suitable tariff plan, and following step-by-step instructions, configure the payment system.

The presence of corporate mail provides a number of advantages: reliability (levels the risk of losing access to the account and leakage of information), convenience (all employees are on the same network and for mass distribution do not need lists of personal mailboxes) and, in addition, the company name as a domain name It will mention your brand in any correspondence and contribute to the promotion of the company, and on the business card will look more solid.

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