How to remove advertising in vkontakte

How to remove advertising in vkontakte

Advertising in social networks is a good source of earnings, but this is from the point of view of the customer. The usual user always jumping pictures about excellent rubber boots or a fashionable tablet can simply annoy. If you want to get rid of "good tips" VKontakte - where, what and how to buy - follow the items listed below.

The most "harmless" advertising in VK can be called pop-ups below the banners at the left side. They are removed fairly easy. To do this, only you need to install the Adblock Plus extension for the browser. Download this application and install it on your computer. Find it easy: We write in the search engine "AdBlock Plus for Mozilla Firefox free download" (or for Google Chrome, Opera, depending on the browser used by your computer), download and install. After installing the application, the advertising unit on your page will disappear.

VK1 copy

With advertising, pop-up from everywhere, on the left, right, on top and bottom, the application mentioned above will not cope. In order to remove unnecessary advertising, you need to turn off extra extensions:

  • For Google Chrome: Open "Settings and Management" -\u003e "Settings" -\u003e "Extensions". If you see suspicious extensions here - we remove the tick from the "Enable" item.
  • For Mozilla Firefox in the menu bar We are looking for "Tools" -\u003e "Supplements". And turn off unnecessary extensions.
  • For Opera: "Extensions" -\u003e "Extensions Management" -\u003e Turn off unnecessary. After updating the page in VK, advertising must disappear.

One of the easiest ways to remove advertising is to change the language in the settings. Changing the language from the "Russian" on the "Soviet" or "pre-revolutionary" will help to easily remove advertising and please you with your new menu.

If these methods did not help to remove advertising from the VC network, most likely your computer is infected with a virus and then it requires "treatment of fourteers" using anti-virus software.

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