How to download video with vkontakte

How to download video with vkontakte

I liked the video viewed on the Internet through the social network, but it can't get it directly from there? There are several simple ways to help transfer a file from a video from contact to a PC, and then it can be applied to your discretion.

The fastest and most convenient version of the blocking of a single roller is through the online service "". Open the Internet Google Chrome Observer (Google Chrome) or any other. We score the name of this service to the search engine (Yandex, Google). Choose the very first in the search engine and open it. The service page appears, and right before your eyes an empty window-string where you insert the roller link from VKontakte.

Pre-copy the link with the roller. We open the desired video on your page in the social network and copy the address lines.

Insert a copied link to an empty window on SaveFrom and click download. Immediately jumps out the entire list with the files of our video, different in quality in several formats. Select the desired file and download on the PC.

Next, to download numerous rollers, install the extension assistant. Go to the site page to the tools and load the program to your PC. After installation in the right corner of Google Chromium, a green arrow of this extension appears.

Now we have a wonderful opportunity to download videos directly from the contact page. Click on the roller, at the bottom we see a new button "Download", which appeared after the installed extension. We press it and follow the instructions: holding the "CTRL" key, click on the format icon with a roller. I went to the PC.

Observing step-by-step tips here on the site, questions, how to download video from contact, should not be more. The resource helps you download your favorite and right videos not only with the social network VKontakte, but also from other various video hosting.

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