How to wind friends in vkontakte

How to wind friends in vkontakte

Social networks open up ample opportunities for communicating, advertising and promoting their own ideas. Slow popularity in VKontakte is simple enough, having a large number of friends and subscribers. Now there are many ways to turn the "FRENDS" - both paid and free.

The easiest and most affordable way to get a large number of friends in VKontakte - manually through the search. Enter the selection criteria in the search string and add users to friends. True, this way to get quickly and many friends will not succeed, since VKontakte put a restriction - you can send only 50 applications per day. From time to time, Vkontakte will require to enter the captcha, which will also slow down the process. With maximum responsiveness, this method can add no more than 350 friends per week.

You can also try to leave "Calls to Friendship" in popular publics and groups. So you will pay a restriction of 50 applications per day and you will accept applications yourself. However, it is necessary to remember that on the wall of large communities to place such messages you are unlikely to succeed, since adding records, as a rule, can only be admins. And you can comment on the records, advertising your page. However, when unnecessary annoyance, it can threaten you by a banner.

On the Internet you can find a lot of sites with programs that promise to turn the number of friends and subscribers VK for free. However, be careful, often such programs are virus pedders. Before installing the application to your computer, look for real user reviews that have already used this script.

One of the most popular programs for cheating friends VKontakte is Viking Botovod. It is available both for free and for a certain amount. Automation of all processes allows you to quickly increase the number of friends. In the program settings, you can specify the conditions for which Friends will be selected into your list: gender, age, participation in thematic groups and communities. Download the program from the site, for example, Following the instructions, install on your computer.

Authorize in the program. To do this, enter your login and password that you use to enter the VKontakte website. In the "Add Task" window, select the "Invite as Friends" feature. Keep in mind that the free version of Viking Botovod Lite may have limited features. For extended functions, you will be invited to purchase Viking Botovod Pro.

You can get a large number of friends through game applications in VKontakte. The principle of operation of these applications is simple: the more friends helps to go to the tasks, the better. Therefore, all the centers of such games are interested in the cheating of friends. The most popular "Tyuryaga", "in the trench", "war regulations", "Metro 2033" and others. More than a million players have been registered in these applications, in addition, all the games of this plan have official groups in VC, in which users can freely add each other to the "Friends" list. To do this, there are special branches in such groups where you can place an ad about Expel.

In addition to free ways, cheating friends on social networks, there is a huge number of paid offers. This is engaged in experienced programmers who will actually fulfill your order to increase the list of friends in any quantity.

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