How to find out the admin group VKontakte

How to find out the admin group VKontakte

You can learn the administrators of the VKontakte group by proven ways.

Simple ways to find out the administrator of the VKontakte group

First method

The easiest way is to look at the Contacts tab. In this tab, you can see the names of those who are directly engaged in the page moderation, collecting information in the group, places news. Among them are administrators, creators of society. After reviewing their data, you can find out exactly which of them administrator. Only this method can not always help, currently in the group there is a function to hide information about the administrator, and many now use it.

Second way

If the first way does not help, try the second way, more comprehensive, but which can help you identify administrator. Examine the wall of the community. This is the main page where all the news news is posted. Usually news subscribes, and until the moment when the administrator decided to hide his data, these signatures remain. It is necessary to simply scroll through the page closer to the first news and find a signature. Go to a person and ask him if he is the administrator of the group or may know his data. But this method does not always help, as a person may not confess that he is the group administrator or simply will not respond to your request.

Third way

There is another simple way, it is written in the news section that pay expensive for placed advertising. Who will answer your message, it is most likely the group administrator.

Program methods for calculating the administrator of the VKontakte group

First method

Open the necessary public page in contact.
Copy page ID, it goes after Public *. If the address is changed, we find any picture and open it.
It turned out about such an address "\u003dphoto-626555697_32866687/album-626555697_0/rev"
626555697 - This is the ID of Public.
In the address bar score "\u003dgif"
We are looking for a picture with an attached GIF.
Press the PCM on the gif and open in a new window.
It turns out about such an address "http: // doc51205430_2651814? Hash \u003d 8e826A65AAA2C25 & DL \u003d 88B7F58EBEABC80"
We delete the "doc" insert "id", after this sign _ everything is erased.
Click Enter and see the admin page.


Second way

  • We go to the website VK Master.
  • We find the community wiki-pages section, click on the mouse and go to this section.
  • In the link "Link to the community ..." insert the desired link and click "Learn."
  • The service will show us the creators of the page, if the message "Wiki-pages is not found" came out, it means that this method will not help you.

I would like to note that it is not always possible to find the contacts of the group administrator, in which case technical support in contact in the section "Help" can help. The phone does not have this service, you can contact it in writing in contact or write a message to E-mail, asking for administrator data, specifying the reasons why you are looking for it.

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