How to fix record vkontakte

How to fix record vkontakte

So sometimes you need to leave an important entry first on your page VKontakte. This can help the function to secure the record.

When there is a lot of records on the social network page, and there is a very necessary one, which is long to look for, or so important that all friends and guests should see it, help can a completely new opportunity to "fasten the entry" on a personal page. This opportunity appeared relatively recently and enjoys great success. If you need to fix the entry on your wall, the first thing you should create, make a repost or choose the desired post.

2015-02-07 18_00_46-Valentina Pascal - Opera

Click on the time of creating a post. In the window that opens, click the "Secure" button.

2015-02-07 17_57_45-Valentine Pascal - Opera

Close the window with post. Record is fixed.

2015-02-07 17_59_30 Valentine Pascal - Opera

Secure the record on the personal page can be different. If you choose the post, click on the time of creating the post and in the window that opens again click on time.

2015-02-07 18_05_22-Valentine Pascal - Opera

The page entries on the wall opens. Here you need to click the "Stop" button. The record is fixed in the first place of the personal page.

2015-02-07 18_06_01 wall - Opera

If you then create a new post or repost (no difference), it will be displayed below fixed. And so it will be with all the following records and reposts.

2015-02-07 18_10_26-Valentine Pascal - Opera

To turn off the post from a personal page, you must click on the time of the post and in the window that opens, click "Occupy".

2015-02-07 18_19_45-Valentine Pascal - Opera

Or open a post and click on time. When the "Wall Record" page opens, click on the "Obtain" button.

2015-02-07 18_21_35-wall - Opera

After disassembling, the record will automatically become in its place, according to the time of creation. And on the first will be the most recent record.

2015-02-07 18_23_34-Valentine Pascal - Opera

If you manage the community and you need to fix the entry on the wall wall, select the desired entry and click on the recording time.

2015-02-07 18_27_54-Tsіkavі Duma - Opera

In the Candle button on the button "Stop".

2015-02-07 18_29_18-Tsіkavі Duma - Opera

Or you should click on the time of creating a record and in the window, which will open, then on the "Fasten" button. The record is fixed on the wall of the community and on top of the village. At the same time, the fixed entry covers the community information. It is not always convenient, but sometimes it is necessary.

2015-02-07 18_32_36-Tsіkavі Duma - Opera

To disshinate the record, select the post and click the "Obtain" button.

2015-02-07 18_38_54-Tsіkavі Duma - Opera

If the user uses the mobile proposal, the principle of fixing records is similar, described earlier (its own entry is selected, clicks on the recording time and the "FIND" button is pressed in the window that opens.

2015-02-07 19_53_50-VKontakte for mobile devices _ VKontakte - Opera

Interestingly, when you create a record, it is not possible to fix it even before pressing the "Send" button. While this feature is missed by the developers. You can consolidate the record on your own wall or on the wall of your community. Simple community members without the right to leadership cannot consolidate the entry on the wall. There is also no possibility to fix records on other people's walls. Published by another user post on the personal page can not be fixed. That is, consolidate a friend's post on the page there is no possibility. You need to copy information and create your identical post, and only then you can fix the record. If you fix one record first, and then, without unscrewing the first, fasten the other, then the first will automatically disappear. If you turn off another record, then the first will also be fixed. The ability to consolidate two entries or memorization of fixed records is not. But still ahead.

2015-02-07 18_54_44-Tsіkavі Duma - Opera

Secure the record on the personal page - a new and convenient, already very popular opportunity to display the necessary information in a prominent place. Secure the VKontakte record is very easy.

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