For several years on the wall "VKontakte" a lot of posts are collected. These are congratulations to friends with all sorts of holidays, and some personal records and statuses, and messages with some applications and games. To get rid of all this and clean the wall, you can choose the most convenient way from existing ways.
If not too much records, you can delete them manually. To do this, click "Delete Record". This feature is indicated by a cross in the upper right corner of each post. If suddenly "hooked" the desired message, it can be returned with the "Restore" button, which appears immediately after removing the post. This is possible until the page has been updated. If you restart the page - the record will disappear forever. This method is the safest, since it does not need to download special programs and the risk of catching the virus is zero. To clear the large amount of messages from the wall "VKontakte", you can use scripts. It is copied and inserted into the browser string. "Enter" is pressed, automatic removal of posts is started. It should be remembered that for each browser its specific scripts. Therefore, two options are: either search for a script for a specific browser, or install a new one and enter an existing address. For example, for Firefox suits the following script: javaScript: (Function () (Var Result \u003d Document.evaluate ('// * [@ class \u003d "delete_post"] / div', document, , 0, null); var found \u003d []; var res; while ( res \u003d result.iteratenext ()) Found.push (res); for (i in Found) Found [I] .ONClick ();)) (). If you want to delete messages selectively, you can use another - javaScript: (FUND \u003d Document.evaluate ('// * [@ class \u003d "post_table"]', document, , xpathresult.ordered_node_snapshot_type, null); for (var i \u003d 0; i \u003cfound .snapshotlength; i ++) (if (Found.snapShotItem (i) .innerhtml.match (Rexp)) (Document.evaluate ('. /*[.@ class \u003d "delete_post"] / div', found.snapshotitem (I) , , xpathresult.first_ordered_node_type, null) .singlenodevalue.onclick ();)))) (/ APP1995682 /)A page on the social network "VKontakte" can tell a lot about the user, and especially the "Wall" section, so you need to carefully follow the information provided by Universal Review.