How to wind subscribers

How to wind subscribers

Social networks absorbed humanity. The use of this Internet tool is quite varied. If someone is needed in a social network to communicate, then some can help promote his business.

In contact with It is a leading social network in the CIS countries and not only. To always be in the top and not get lost among many users, you can turn the subscribers in the VC.

There are a lot of ways. It is necessary to understand one thing that the cheating can be perceived by the moderators of the site, as suspicious activity. Accounts that fall under suspicion are blocked.

Free ways Cheat followers VKontakte using programs

Not for everything you need to pay. There are many applications in open access to help wind subscribers. In contact with.

Cheat occurs due to specially created bots. Bot is a program that makes all the black work for the user (cheating of votes, cheating likes and so on). The bot is short enough (2-4 weeks). Next, moderators are either removed, or turned into dogs (avatar in the form of a dog on a gray background).

This program is installed on a computer and start using the login and password from the account. In contact with. Here you are already starting to risk. There are many scammers who thus get free access to your account.

Checkout by VKontakte's subscribers

In the previous method, you just need to run the bot and it will do everything for you, but there is a risk that you lose your account due to scammers or you will quickly block moderators.

You can turn the subscribers yourself. On the day you have the right to invite up to 40 friends to your group or yourself. You yourself install the floor, age, place of residence that you are interested, and click "Search". Next, just click "add to friends."

Cheat followers using VKontakte groups

To do this, click on the "Groups". In the "Search" line, enter "add as friend." List of groups will be displayed. You choose anyone and enter it or submit an application for accession (it must be approved by the group moderators). The principle of these groups is very simple, you add a person, he adds you as a friend. This method is good because you are dealing with "live" accounts, not fake pages.

Paid programs Cheat followers VKontakte

On the Internet there are many paid programs for the cheating of subscribers. The difference between paid and free bots is small. Both programs are risky and can block you. Will you pay for a paid bot or not, you decide.


Paid cheapers of subscribers through the service of VKontakte

This is an indirect cheating. You can buy advertising for money, which will periodically appear on the left below the pages at the multi-million public. People in this case will decide themselves, subscribe to your community or not. This method is the most natural and safe. Pay you directly into the wallet social network.

On the way to the promotion of your page or community on the social network, always keep the cold mind. To begin with, try using your own and manually add friends. Later you can go to official tools In contact with. If you want to risk, you can use third-party resources for cheating subscribers.

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