How to ban in VK

How to ban in VK

If you have a long time annoying any user of the social network VKontakte, or you saw an obscene photo or a picture, you can safely apply for blocking this content. Most often, if an insult was directed not to your address, or the content of the message or photography was not burdened by the uncompromising, then the user will freeze the page for the day, as a trial period. The second time the person's page will be blocked for a week. If he manifests persistence and continues to annoy other social network users, then it will be banned vkontakte forever. The same applies to video records, you can apply for blocking if you are offended by what is in the content. If you decide to block someone's page, but do not know how to do it, then in this article you will find all the answers.

How to ban in user user

If someone from other users insulted you either places uncomfortable materials, then you can block it in two ways: going to the user page, or in the correspondence with it, immediately specify an offensive message.

  • Go to the page of the person and find three points under his avatar, next to the "Subscribe" button.

  • Click this button to immediately appear the pop-up list. In it, you need to choose "Complain to the page."

  • Now in the menu that appears, mark the cursor that item that violated this user. If there is no suitable item in the list, simply write the cause of the lock in the comments below and mark any string. After that, click "Submit" in the lower right corner.

Now your blocking request sent to the VKontakte administration and will be considered by moderators in the near future. After checking, if the user is not blocked or frozen, you can write a claim directly by the social network administration with a request to judge the situation.

How to ban user page through a photo

If the main reason for the complaint becomes a photo or picture of a specific person, then you need to submit such an application in a certain way.

  • Go to the page of the user, and then to the photo that will be the object of the complaint. In the lower right corner, select a small link with the word "more" and a small arrow under the photo.

  • You will have a list of actions that can be done with this photo. Click on the field "Complain".

  • The list will open even more and you can choose the reason for blocking this photo and its owner.

If the field does not have a suitable reason, then select any - the administration will understand the object of your complaint if it really is there.

How to ban in VK community

It also happens that any community or group on a social network places obscene-free content, or insulting individual groups of people. When you noticed such a post, do the following algorithm.

  • Near the post to the right from above, find three small points and click on them.

  • You will call a list of the menu in which you should click on the "Complain" field.

  • Now select the reason that served as a lock. Soon you will see the decision of the administration on this issue.

How to ban in VK video

Any video file that contains in itself obscene scenes, speech, paintings, removed from the social network. To block the video and its owner, follow the instructions.

  • Click on the link "More" under the video.

  • In the drop-down menu, click "Complain" and select the cause of the lock. After that, the request for the ban will be shipped.

Whatever the reason for the blocking of a person, you can later appeal to the administration of the site VKontakte. Just write through feedback and specify which post, or a message, picture or audio was offensive for you, or contained an advertising character, littering the tape. Soon, you will definitely answer and in case of refusal, it will be described in detail.

All complaints are processed anonymously from the accused user and do not reveal your name to him, so it's not worth worrying for the upcoming conflict, just use these solutions to non-abdominal materials at any time, even if the post is for more than a year.

Comments leave a comment
Dmitriy 07/13/2019 at 11:35.

You can complain about the administration to the carrot funeral - you will not receive any reaction other than the abstract and excuses. Vkontakte is free and freely exist even Nazi groups with swastikas and emblems of Hitler's SCS. And all sorts of schizoids are, apparently, are directly under the protection of administrators


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