How to celebrate a person

How to celebrate a person

If you have a group photo with your friends or colleagues, or you want to celebrate a friend in someone else's photo, then the service of VKontakte is great for this suit. Often, many users want to make all persons present in the joyful event. The social network of VC allows you to mark countless people in the picture, and it can do it anyone - not just one who downloaded it. Follow the simple instruction, and you will get to gather on one photo links of all your friends.

Load your photo or picture. Press the My Page field in the upper left corner in the section list. In the middle of the page you have a large light blue button "Add Photos", click on it.

Now you need to choose a photo on your computer in the window that appears. Operate the sections on the left for greater convenience. Click on the desired photo once the left mouse button and click Open.

Wait until the photo is loaded. Then click on it once the left mouse button, thereby opening it.

Once you appears a window with an expanded photo, pay attention to the bottom of the screen. Find the "Mark Man" field and click once.

You can mark the area on which your friend is depicted. To do this, click the left mouse button on the picture and pull the cursor until you select the whole face of a familiar person. Now let go of the mouse.

You will have a man choose a window. Start typing your friend in the top field marked in red, in the window below there will be sorting of friends by letters. As soon as you see the desired name, press the left mouse button, then click on the Blue button "Add".

If the desired friend is not on the social network VKontakte, but you want to see his name on the downloaded photo - just write its name in the top field. Such a name will not have links, but still will be displayed next to the photo. After entering the name, click "Add".

If you did everything right, and everything suits you, click on the blue button on top "ready."

Now the name of the friend, his link and the area of \u200b\u200bphotography will be displayed in the aggregate. The entire list of marked friends is always visible to the right above comments.

To celebrate a friend in other photos, do the exact same algorithm on someone else's page in the "Photos" section. Be careful if a friend denounces the photo in the photo, then its name will be displayed simply in black, without reference.

To secure knowledge, see the video below:

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