How to find a person in VK by phone number

How to find a person in VK by phone number

This social network has a rather high rating, the world's social network "VKontakte" occupies 4 position in the ranking of attendance sites. This is a huge success, because many residents of not only Russia, but also other countries of the world enjoy well-known social networks. Convenient and fast exchange of information, music, video and photos, search for people - all information can be quickly obtained by making just a few "clicks" by the mouse.

In VK, there is a convenient service of finding people by name and surname. If you click on the advanced search, then the task is simplified, as knowing more information (country, city of residence, human age), you can facilitate the search. What if the user's surname is unknown, and there is only a mobile phone? In this case, you can also find the page of this person. Let's find out how to do it.

How to find a page in VK by phone number

There is only a number and anything else. To get the information of interest, in the password recovery system, the annoying error of the systemists was discovered, while this hole remains available, you can have time to find a person, knowing only its phone number. How to do it? It works only on the mobile version of the site, you can go to VC from the phone or tablet.

Step-by-step actions are as follows:

  • We go to the mobile version of the site (you can from the computer, you just need to specify that you need to go to the mobile version page).
  • We find the password recovery service (it is very convenient when the password has not changed for a long time and could forget it). This service is designed for this.
  • In the window we enter the phone number of the person who needs to find in social networks.
  • Confirm your actions by clicking on the "Next" button. If a person is registered with VK, then when registering, it indicates its phone number. This item is impossible to avoid this item.
  • We are waiting when a new window appears in front of you: "Restore page access". Such information was highlighted: the name and surname of the user, plus "Avatar". Next, you will be offered to send an access code to restore the pages password to the specified number. Since we do not need it, then it makes no sense to move.

That managed to find out: the surname of the user and password, as well as the "avatar". If a person has indicated the city during registration and this information is not hidden, then you will also see the city.

Pros and disadvantages of this service

  • While there is such a service, you need to use. It is convenient, especially when you do not own other information, but you need to find a person in social networks.
  • It is not very good that each ordinary has access to the huge telephone base of residents of Russia and other CIS countries.
  • Sometimes, when searching for you, you will be offered to lead an alphanumeric combination (captcha), it does not make it difficult to search, just this is another step, without which it is impossible to know the necessary information.
  • If you entered the phone number without "+", you will not receive information. We'll have to return to enter the phone in the correct format.
  • If the phone number is entered correctly, but there is no result, it means that this user is not in this social network. That is, a person in VC is not registered.
  • It also happens that the user installed the main photo is not a real, but a popular picture. But knowing the name and surname of a person, the search is simplified.
  • The service does not work if the user has not installed the "avatar".

2 years ago, Social Systems attempted to close the search loophole to the phone number. But it was possible to solve the problem only partially, the username site may not show, but to highlight only the "avatar", but this is quite enough to find a person in the famous social network, knowing only the phone number.

Comments leave a comment
ilya 10/10/2016 at 3:07.

Go to the LC of your operator and order details on your email.

To answer
    Igor 27/11/2016 at 14:44.

    sori, and this is here with what?

    To answer
      Vanya. 03/11/2018 at 0:06.

      it is a fact
      Go to the LC of your operator and order details on your email,
      If there is no SMS confirmation capability, use the SMS-YA.RU aggregator

      To answer
hahaha 02/15/2017 at 5:24

not working already

To answer
ilya. 03/11/2018 at 0:27

that's for sure)
Go to the LC of your operator and order details on your email,
If there is no SMS confirmation capability, use the SMS-YA.RU aggregator

To answer

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