How to tie a phone number

How to tie a phone number

When using various Internet services, you must specify the number of your phone immediately when registering. There is a client involvement scheme when mobile to you will ask a little later, for example, in exchange for access to wider site functionality. But anyway, many companies are interested in obtaining this information, so we will tell you how to tie the phone number to your account.

First of all, consider the binding of the mobile to the account in the social network. VKontakte offers to specify your phone number in the second registration step. After filling in the "Name" and "Surname" fields on the next page, you must enter a valid mobile. It will come to it with a confirmation code that you want to enter on the same page. Only after that you can log in and start using VKontakte.

When registering in the social network, classmates have no field for the phone number, but when entering the site, the system immediately displays the persistent recommendation to specify it.

To skip the page to the mobile, click on the alert, and then on the "Specify Number" key.

After that, a new window will appear, where you can enter your phone. Next, give the "Send" button.

An SMS confirmation will come to the specified number. I will enter the code from it in the profile form that appears and press the Activate key. After confirming the phone, it will be tied to your page.

If you did not fit the mobile immediately and deleted an automatic alert, you can edit information about yourself in the "Change Settings" section. It is under your avatar on the main page of the profile.

Among the settings there is a string "phone number". Move the cursor to it, then the link to the introduction and verification of the number will appear.

To confirm the identity of the client, financial institutions use two-factor authentication for online banking users. This means that when entering the payment account on your bank's website, you will have to enter a confirmation code that will come through SMS. Such a procedure makes calculations via the Internet safer and in most cases prevents attempts by attackers to hack someone else's account. Specify your phone number immediately when making a bank card.

If you did not attach a mobile to a settlement card in the bank branch, do it on the official website. Such a service is provided by Sberbank, Alpha Bank and many others. First, specify the identification data of your card, and then enter the mobile number.

In addition to conventional banks, the phone binding to the account requires virtual payment systems. Webmoney asks to specify a mobile at the very beginning of registration. After filling the remaining fields and creating an account, your phone will be tied to the profile automatically.

When registering in the Yandex.Money system, you must fill in the "Mobile Phone" field. It is this number in the future will be tied to your profile.

To use the payment service "Visa Qiwi Wallet" you need to register. When filling out the questionnaire, you specify your mobile number and other information. After that, your phone will be tied to the profile.

You can argue for a long time, whether your data will be safe and why someone needs such information at all, but some sites fully close access for unauthorized users. Therefore, it remains either to compete and specify a contact phone, or permanently refuse to use the Internet resource.

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