  • Aliexpress.
    On such a large-scale site, like Aliexpress, there is a special system of discounts - special pieces, with which you can pay a variety of products.
    30.01.2019 298 0
  • Internet
    In the modern world, commercial platforms on the Internet are increasingly gaining popularity. With the help of such portals, you can place the free ad for the sale of any personal items, real estate, animals, etc.
    14.01.2019 296 0
  • Services
    Estimated plastic Arrow is a comfortable and in demand by the method of carrying out public transport.
    07.08.2018 456 0
  • Services
    Transport plastic cards are simple, convenient, as well as in demand for travel.
    07.08.2018 393 0
  • Business
    Business management is the process of responsible and quite painstaking. The success of the enterprise depends on many factors.
    03.03.2018 386 0
  • Accounting
    The employer and employee relationship should be decorated. It protects and empowers both parties.
    03.03.2018 401 0
  • Trade
    Purchases on the Internet have become very ordinary things, recently more and more people buy goods remotely and get them by mail.
    24.02.2018 392 0
  • State
    Getting the parcel is not only a pleasant, but also an exciting moment. What actions need to make the addressee to become the owner of the cherished departure?
    19.02.2018 388 0
  • Accounts
    By registering on the Public Services portal, - - Citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as foreign persons receive the possibility of remote access to both public and municipal services at their place of residence or stay.
    17.01.2018 448 0
  • Business
    Entrepreneurial activity is not always unfolded by the desired scenario. In some cases, business has to close.
    12.12.2017 405 0
  • Trade
    The need to send products to various corners of the country and the world occurs not only during the sale of goods, but also when distributing (forwarding) printing publications - magazines, blanks, books, posters, etc.
    08.11.2017 431 0
  • Services
    The word "anticafe" today can be heard more and more often. This innovative and original service in Europe was invented about 10-12 years ago, but in Russia began to actively appear only over the past 5 years.
    25.10.2017 415 0
  • Trade
    The advantages of purchases of goods over the Internet are obvious, however, the purchase on the network carries certain risks.
    24.10.2017 433 0
  • Services
    Ukrpochta is the National Paving Operator in Ukraine (Ukrainian Union of Postal Communications of Ukraine).
    02.02.2017 472 0
  • House and life
    Today, an increasing number of diverse operations is carried out via the Internet. In order to pay for the service, no longer need to spend your time and nerves on waiting in the queues.
    21.01.2017 455 0
  • Internet
    There are situations where you need to urgently find a person, but his mobile phone does not respond. The only output is to call the stationary number, but what if you do not remember it?
    24.07.2016 1108 0
  • Aliexpress.
    Daily thousand parcels and valuable parcels go to their recipients in a long journey through the country.
    21.07.2016 826 0
  • State
    To clarify the presence of debt, you can apply a few options if you want to know the debt to your personal account.
    23.04.2016 807 0
  • Business
    Metro hypermarkets belong to the Cash and Carry wholesale network and are the property of German entrepreneurs belonging to Metro Group.
    20.08.2014 3178 6
