How to delete a page in vkontakte

How to delete a page in vkontakte

It does not have to argue about the prevalence of social networks, thousands of new users are registered in them every day. They have different goals: find acquaintances and communicate with them, share content, find new friends in interest, making money (not always honest), etc. In addition to obvious benefits, all social networks carry and many threats, because of which You have to delete your account.

All social networks, including VKontakte, provide for the creation of a personal profile, which indicates the personal data of the user to identify it by other users. Among this information: region of residence, data on educational institutions, place of work, hobbies, family data, etc. Of course, this information can be used in different purposes - good or bad.

To remove your profile in VC, you need to log in to "Settings" from your page and select the General tab . At the bottom of this page, find the phrase " You can delete your page and click on the active link "W.give your page " . After that, the window will open where you will be offered to choose the reason for the removal of the profile and protangle it in the news. Click "U. give a page ".

After deleting an account in VKontakte, the profile data is saved for several months on the site server. At the same time, a list of friends, audio recordings, video, photographs, private messages is preserved. Therefore, during this period, it is possible to fully restore the profile. All comments in groups, communities, under photos and video recordings are also saved, they are visible to everyone, but there is no photo on the user icon. When you go to the remote user page, a message appears that the page is deleted.


It happens that the attackers wake up not only an account in VKontakte, but also an email to which he is tied. Therefore, there is a risk of recovery without your knowledge of the page in the social network and the implementation of unlawful actions on your behalf.

Fraudsters-in-contact-deception-on-money-fraud-in-social networks

Before removing the page, you can most clean the information you entered, starting with personal data and ending with the public content:

  • Go from your page to the settings and select the "Privacy" tab, where in all lines it is necessary to install "only I";
  • In the "Alerts" tab, cancel all kinds of alerts;
  • Call the personal data editing page by clicking on the "Red" next to the My Page icon on the left control panel;
  • In each tab of the window that appears ("Basic", "Contacts", "Interests", etc.) Metrate information, click "Save";
  • Clean all the correspondence and list of friends;
  • Exit all groups and communities, delete the applications;
  • Delete all downloaded photos, audio and video.

To minimize risks, you should not fill out all the graphs of personal information that the site requests, or the maximum limit access to your page by setting the privacy settings.

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