How to remove a page in mamba

How to remove a page in mamba

If you decide to leave Mamba dating service from Mail.Ru, then you will need access to your email to which you register. If you do not have access and you can't restore it in any way, then you will have to act through the site support service using your mobile phone tied to the page. Illustrated deletion method you will learn from the article below.

Go to the Mamba service: In most cases, users simply leave their profiles and turn off the alerts by mail, so you will not bother you. But if you need removal, then go to the next step.

Find your name in the upper right corner and click on it once.

In the drop-down menu, select "Settings".

You will find yourself in the settings and options of your questionnaire on the site of Mamba. Select the "Personal data" tab if it has not been allocated initially.

Scroll to the bottom, in the last field you will see the blue link "Removing Questionnaire". Click on it.

You will be asked for several options: Full removal of the questionnaire, turning off the questionnaire from the search site, the transition to another dating service. Check the second paragraph "Delete Questionnaire". After that, click on the "Next" button.

Select from the list that tells about the reason for the removal of your questionnaire from the site of the mamba. If you did not find the desired explanation, then click on the "Other" item. Under it will appear an empty window in which you can tell the creators of the site why he did not like you, or leave it empty. Then click on the gray button "Delete Questionnaire". Carefully pay attention to the button color, since the brightest of them leads on the contrary, to cancel the removal of the page.
Below you will be asked to transfer your questionnaire, all data and photos and other dating service from You can use this suggestion at this stage.

Confirm your intention by clicking on the "Delete" button again. Read the alert on the screen: The link to the full removal of the questionnaire is on your email.

In the last step you need to click on the "Next" button and go to your email specified during registration.

In the letter from the mamba service, find the phrase "to delete a questionnaire to mamba, click here" and click on the active link on the word "here."

You will automatically redirect to the dating service website. Now your questionnaire is removed, you can restore it for the next two hundred days. If you change your mind to delete a questionnaire, just go to the site and click on the green field "Restore the questionnaire". Otherwise, just wait two hundred days, and there will be no trace from you on the site.

In the case when you cannot recover your email address or access to it forever lost, you need to contact the site of Mamba. To do this, on the main page, pay attention to the lower part of the gray-blue site. There you will find a bright link with the word "help." Click it and tell the specialist about your problem.

Now you know how to delete your questionnaire from Mamba dating site.

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