How to remove a page in classmates from the phone

How to remove a page in classmates from the phone

If you are tired of communicating in "Odnoklassniki" - remove your profile so that the attackers do not hate him. They will start sending your friends a lot of unpleasant and useless information. But what if the mobile version of the site is installed? It does not have a page deletion function. Do not be discouraged, you can get rid of annoying communication in Odnoklassniki, if you go to the full version of the site.

We remove the page from the phone in classmates - go to the full version

Take advantage of the mobile version of Odnoklassniki automatic function that will switch you to the full version of the site. The developers have provided it. Everything is very simple:

  • go on the phone on the installed brazier in the social network under your password and login. Attention! Make sure that the Latin letter "M" does not have a Latin letter - remove it;
  • scroll through your page to the very end;
  • find on the side of the "Full Site Version" tab;
  • go on the tab, and the full version will open.

If the page is displayed bad or throws you for the mobile version - do not worry. Reboot until you leave for the full version of Odnoklassniki.

We delete in classmates page from the phone - the action plan

The phone model and the type of the OS value do not have - the page deletion passes the same on all devices. Make sure you have the full version of Odnoklassniki. We proceed to remove the annoying page:

  • scroll through the page to the end;
  • find on the right in the extreme column link "Regulations" and click on it;
  • look for the "Refuse service" string and click on it. Two points can stand instead;
  • in the window that opens, select the reason for which you want to abandon the social network, and check the box;
  • write your password in a special field;
  • click the "Delete Forever" button that appears and you spoke with Odnoklassniki.

Remove the application of classmates from the phone

If you use Odnoklassniki in a mobile application - the removal of the profile occurs a little differently. Remove the application itself. For android, this is as follows:

  • go to the "Task Manager" on the phone;
  • choose the tab "Uploaded";
  • come through the browser for "classmates" and log in.

Then your actions are similar to those described in paragraph above.

What if classmates page is not deleted from the phone?

Failure in the system does not give you to get rid of the annoying page or can not open the full version? Use the backup option:

  • come in the phone through the mobile version to the site;
  • take all your information on the wall in the social network - friends, videos, photos and different records. If there is a lot of information - it will take time;
  • on the Questionnaire page in the field of personal information instead of your name with the surname write anything. Of course, vulgarity is not welcome.

Now the profile is not associated with your name and the page on the Internet will not appear. Check, worked the method or not. Type information about yourself on the Internet, and if your profile has not been highlighted in Odnoklassniki - you did everything right.

Think well before removing the page. All information will disappear and it is impossible to restore it. If changed - click on the "Cancel" link and continue to communicate with friends.

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Deleted. 01/12/2017 at 23:27

Strokes fucked, the application Any normal person can delete how to remove the page, in fact you need to write and not hull how to delete the application from the mobile device

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